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KickCheat E-mails/Electromaniacs

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(New page: '''KickCheat E-mail #2''' Eric asks KickCheat if he wants to join Electromaniacs. '''Cast''' (In order of appearrance): KickCheat, Homsar, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Bear-Shark, Strong Sad, ...)
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KickCheat E-mail #2

Eric asks KickCheat if he wants to join Electromaniacs.

Cast (In order of appearrance): KickCheat, Homsar, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Bear-Shark, Strong Sad, Homestar Runner, 20eric06 (easter egg)

Places: The Computer room, The field, Strong Badia, The stick, Electromaniacs

Computer: Kickix 500

Lines: 59



KICKCHEAT: {Clicks on e-mail while talking} This e-mail show is brought to by KickCheat INC.

KICKCHEAT: Hmmm...this sounds promising!

KICKCHEAT: Make a new game eh Eric? {excited} Count me in!

{cut to a zoom out. KickCheat jumps of his stool and walks off screen. Cut to Homsar in the field}

HOMSAR: I need a tofu pizza milk.

{KickCheat walks onscreen up to Homsar}

KICKCHEAT: Hey wierdo. Do you know where Electromaniacs is?

HOMSAR: Blue is a kind of hamburger.

KICKCHEAT: If you are going to talk about worthless crap, get out of this e-mail.

{KickCheat walks away}

HOMSAR: {Sadly} I do what I'm told.

KICKCHEAT: {offscreen shouting} No you don't moron!

{cut to Strongbadia. Strong Bad is standing doing nothing}

STRONG BAD {annoyed} I thought that Eric guy said that Electromaniacs is here in Strongbadia!

{KickCheat walks up to Strong Bad}

KICKCHEAT: Hey prank caller, have you seen a place called Electromaniacs?

STRONG BAD As a matter of fact, I am looking for that place.

KICKCHEAT: {surprised} You too?

STRONG BAD Yeah. I want to make better games without pay.

KICKCHEAT: {surprised} WHAT?! You get no pay?

STRONG BAD You didn't know that?


STRONG BAD Then do you still want to join?

KICKCHEAT: Yes. No. Yes. No. I don't know! I am heading back to my house!

{KickCheat runs away}

STRONG BAD Now back to finding Electromaniacs.

{cut to KickCheat at his computer}

KICKCHEAT: {says while typing} I don't know where you are Eric, but I still want to join. {stops typing} I am going to play a game I made now. {closes his e-mail and clicks on file and chooses "CheatFreak"}

KICKCHEAT: Now this is a fun game. You try to scare The Cheat with The Bear holding a Shark. {He scares The Cheat on his game} Mabye I should have stayed with Strong Bad. I gotta go! {leaves}

{cut to Strongbadia. Strong Bad is gone. KickCheat walks upto the fence}

KICKCHEAT: {shouting} Strong Bad! Where the crap are you?

{The Cheat walks upto KickCheat}

KICKCHEAT: Hey The Cheat. Have you seen Strong Bad?

THE CHEAT: {Makes some The Cheat noises}

KICKCHEAT: {gasps} He's been kidnapped?

{The Cheat giggles}

KICKCHEAT: {sarcasticly} Oh, like you are a big help. I'm out of here. {leaves}

{cut to KickCheat at The Stick with Strong Sad}

KICKCHEAT: Hey Mr. Elephant. Have you seen Strong Bad?

STRONG SAD: Over there at Electromaniacs. Right behind me.


{KickCheat walks past Strong Sad. Cut to the outside of Electromaniacs}

KICKCHEAT: Found it!

{The paper comes down saying "Click here to e-mail KickCheat at"}

KICKCHEAT: Hey, wait a minute. This e-mail isn't over! Homestar hasn't appeared yet!

{Homestar walks onscreen}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hello blue dots. I am needed like you said.

KICKCHEAT: To late star shirt.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {disapointed} Awww man!

{ten seconds later}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Ummm...are we suppost to be doing something?

KICKCHEAT: Yeah, I wanted to join Electromaniacs!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: You can't now?

KICKCHEAT: {disapointed} The e-mail is over.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Okay Red shirt guy! {leaves}

KICKCHEAT: And in I go! Homestar would just follow me if I went when he was there!{Runs inside Electromaniacs}

Easter eggs

  • Click on KickCheat to see Strong Bad at Electromaniacs.


{cut to Strong Bad inside Electromaniacs}

STRONG BAD This is it!

{Eric walks on screen}

ERIC: Hello Mr. Bad. I got note you want to join.

STRONG BAD: Yes sir.

ERIC: Good. We'll have to put you in our class first.

STRONG BAD: {disapointed} Aww man!

Inside References

  • "I do what I'm told" is a phrase from the Strong Bad e-mail Dragon
  • The Bear-Shark scaring The Cheat is from the Strong Bad e-mail Date.
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