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Define Normal/episode1

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Current revision as of 23:39, 3 January 2010

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Land of GwidTales From The FlippedDefine NormalThe Frog Blog88 Gift Ideas 2
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{open up to a boy in long boxers and a t-shirt floating about in fluffy blue clouds in a yellow sky with a white sun. He is gliding on his back, swimming slightly, with his eyes closed. He is very relaxed. The scene pauses suddenly and text types into the lower-left corner, and it says "Name: Louie Chester Kilnhagen". The text untypes, and the scene resumes.}

LOUIE: {sing-song, half asleep} Oh, floatiiing in the clooouuds, which are bluuuuee... buuuuluuuu...

{a shoe floats by and catches up with him, and it rings like a phone. He picks it up and squeaks it, and then answers it}

LOUIE: Hellooooo??


{Louie winces at how loud it is, wrings out his ears like towels, and opens his eyes}

LOUIE: Haha, very funny, Cody. Didn't I tell you not to interrupt my dreams again?

CODY: {over phone} Yeah, I know. But I couldn't resist! The dream-linker was just sitting there on my shelf!

LOUIE: Ah, it was lonely, wasn't it?

{Cody floats up beside Louie, talking on a potted plant with a headset. The scene pauses, and text types in the lower-left corner and it says "Name: Cody Francesco Mireslagen". The text untypes and the scene resumes.}

CODY: Yeah...

{Cody looks over his shoulder and sees Louie, and smashes the potted plant off a tree branch on a tree that floated by, yanking the headset and Cody with it. Cody floats back up unharmed}

CODY: There you are, you Pascal rascal! I found you! {leans over and noogies Louie}

LOUIE: Quit it, Toady!

CODY: Oh, you're in for it now! {indian burns Louie}


CODY: {looks ahead, the camera swivels around to show two houses swirling about as in The Wizard of Oz} Oh, there's our houses up ahead! {the camera swivels back} Gotta go, see you in the morning! {grows wheels from his buttocks and ankles, a steering wheel in his hands and a helmet, then drives away. Offscreen glass shattering and a crash is heard} I'm okay!

LOUIE: {mockingly} Oh, Cody. When will he learn that racecars are dangerous? {spins over onto his stomach and pops into a white and red Superman costume with a Canadian maple leaf logo} Canadaman is way more like it! {zooms offscreen, again, glass shattering and a crash is heard} I'm okay too!

{an air raid siren sounds, and the screen soaks with blood and melts away, revealing Louie laying in bed asleep, his air-raid siren alarm clock frantic}

LOUIE: ...oh jeez... {smashes the alarm clock with a fighter plane model, and it goes off} ...okay... ...I'm up...

{cut to Louie downstairs in a bathrobe, eating Rusted Rakes cereal, which has a sticker on the box that says "Free tetanus shot in every box!" A young girl comes into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes, and the scene pauses. Text types into the lower-left corner, saying "Name: Isabelle Marie Kilnhagen". The text untypes, and the scene resumes.}

ISABELLE: {grumbling} I had the dream about the pickles again...

LOUIE: {munching cereal} Good morning, sunshine! And what is it with you and pickles?

ISABELLE: Jewel-encrusted bronze pickles are no laughing matter.

LOUIE: I wasn't laughing.

{Isabelle walks over to the counter and gets out a box of Pretty Princess Mouthrot cereal, pouring a bowl for herself and taking it to the table. She starts to eat the chocolate O's and X's with her hands.}

LOUIE: Oh, but at least you're not this kid Chaz in my homeroom at school. He's afraid of ketchup and stickers.

ISABELLE: Yeah, I guess I am lucky... but the pickles...

LOUIE: Oh, just stop with the pickles!

{the doorbell rings}

ISABELLE: {hyper, races to the door} I'll geddit I'll geddit I'll geddit I'll —

{Louie is already at the door opening it}

ISABELLE: — geddit... aww, dang your long legs! {pouts}

{Louie opens the door to see Cody standing there, wearing a bathrobe also, eating salted nuts out of a bowl shaped like a dog's head}

CODY: Hey, Louie! {bends over and waves} Hi, Isabelle!

ISABELLE: {pouts and turns away} Hmph.

LOUIE: Ah, don't mind her. Come on in, Toady!

CODY: Oh, now you know it's on! {chases Louie up the stairs}



{cut to Louie's room. Louie and Cody are laying around reading comics and listening to a record player, playing Weebl's Cucumbers song}

CODY: Geez, this record player must be a hundred years old!

LOUIE: Naw, it's only fifty. It was my grandpa's.

CODY: I'm surprised it still works and you could find records for it...

LOUIE: Actually, I synthesized the records down at the non-alk club.

CODY: Oh. ...well, I'm still surprised it works...

LOUIE: Yeah, me too. {pause} Hey, this Canadaman comic has a crossover with Gren Gru from that other company as the villian...

CODY: Oh, cool!

LOUIE: Naw, they drew his fins and boots all wrong — {holds up the comic} look, see?

CODY: {squinting} Oh, yeah, you're right! Consarnit!

LOUIE: Okay, now that phrase has to be at least a hundred years old!

CODY: Hehehe. ...So I got the dream-linker working again, as you know from last night...

LOUIE: Yeah, you shouldn't do that... I want my dreams private!

CODY: I know... but it's so fun! And even if I don't enter your dreams, it still gives you the capacity to remember the dream entirely! Which is pretty cool!

LOUIE: I dunno, you'd best not use that, you could link up to someone's dream you wouldn't want.


CODY: Well, anyways, on a completely unrelated note, I got this flyer in the mail the other day...

LOUIE: Yeah?

CODY: It said, "Are you abnormal? Tired of it? We'll fix you straight up at Camp Shamalamadingdong" or summat.

LOUIE: Oh geez, I hate that! {stands up} People who classify others as {air quotes} "normal" and "abnormal"!

{Cody pulls a soapbox out from under the dresser and puts it in front of Louie, who steps up onto it}

LOUIE: Thank you. Why, if only that were no more! People could live in peace with their own brand of normality! There wouldn't be anyone to indignify you by labeling you strange or different! {a USA flag flies behind him} Be indifferent! The American way! {zoom out to show Cody waving the flag behind Louie, who steps off the soapbox and shoves it under the dresser again}

CODY: We need to make a plan. What is normal?

LOUIE: Huh. Interesting thought. How would we find out?

ISABELLE: {calling from another room} LOUIE THE TOILET'S CLOGGED!

CODY: Definitely not your sister.

LOUIE: Hey! {punches Cody in the arm} That's just the kind of thinking that I'm against!

CODY: You know what? This morning, in the mail, I got a brand new robot kit!

LOUIE: Oh, awesome!

CODY: It looks pretty cool, but I haven't opened it yet.

LOUIE: {faking a posh British accent} I say, shall we depart this place and its clogged toilets?

CODY: {faking a posh British accent} Let us venture forth to my domicile and build ourselves a robotic companion!

{they both get up and walk out the door. By now the record has stopped playing}

'LOUIE: {still in posh British accent} Wot wot?

CODY: {also still in posh British accent} Oh, I'm Cody, I've lost me crumpet!

{The door slams. Pause}


{a transition screen comes up that says "One unclogging later..." Cut to Cody's house. They open up the Wonderment Deluxo Robotic Kids' Kit, stare, smile, and look at each other knowingly.}

CODY: Awesome, isn't it?

LOUIE: I know, it is! Let's get a-building!

CODY: Exactly!

{a montage set to the cucumber music starts up, with Louie taking out a bunch of gears from the box, putting on a welding mask, and welding them to a metal frame. Cut to Cody assembling a microchip with a soldering iron and attaching wires here and there. Cut to Louie welding a robot arm to the frame. Cut to Cody holding a hard drive with the label "30 TB" on it. He picks up a number of microchips and attaches them onto it. Cut to Louie welding legs to the metal frame, hinging the joints and oiling them. Cut to Cody placing the hard drive and several motors with it into the metal frame. Louie welds on the last arm. Cut both Louie and Cody sitting at a table drinking coffee. Cut back to Cody and Louie making the head from another metal frame, putting in the sensory attachments and giving it a look. They place the head on the body and weld it tight. They look back and high-five each other.}

LOUIE & CODY: We did it!

LOUIE: Let's turn it on!

CODY: Alrighty.

{Cody bends over and opens the case, and flicks a switch. The robot's eyes light up and it begins to see.}

ROBOT: Hello. Who are you?

LOUIE: I'm Louie —

CODY: — and I'm Cody!

ROBOT: Hi Louie! Hi Cody! ...Who am I?

CODY: {to Louie} Oh, that's right, we need a name for him!

LOUIE: {whispers in Cody's ear}

CODY: {to Louie} Okay. {to the robot} Okay, your name is Eggblock. {to Louie} What were you thinking?!

EGGBLOCK: I am Eggblock! Whoo.

LOUIE: So what can you do?

EGGBLOCK: I can do many many many things!

CODY: Can you make me a Greek gyro sub?

EGGBLOCK: Sure! {a ding is heard, and the aforementioned sub pops out of Eggblock's chest on a tray}

CODY: Cool! {takes the tray and scarfs the sub down}

LOUIE: Can you make me a grilled cheese sandwich?

EGGBLOCK: Coming up. {another ding, and the grilled cheese sandwich pops out on another tray}

LOUIE: Awesome! {takes the tray and eats the sandwich}

CODY: {hands the tray back to Eggblock} Oh, yeah, Louie, didn't we have that problem earlier?

LOUIE: You mean what normality is?

CODY: Yeah! {to Eggblock} So, Eggblock, can you define "normal"?

EGGBLOCK: This shouldn't be long. {his eyes glaze over} Searching... searching... searching... definition not found.

LOUIE: What?

CODY: No definition? Weird.

EGGBLOCK: Error! Contradictory statement! {snaps out of search mode} Yeah, it is weird. I'll need to see some examples of things that are normal and not normal, before I can make a judgement on what normal is.

LOUIE: Okay!... how now?

CODY: Brown cow! Hehehe.

EGGBLOCK: As I said, I'll need many examples of normality and abnormality before I can judge it.

CODY: Okay then. Lead the way!

EGGBLOCK: {eyes glaze over} Commencing teleportation. Commencing. Three, two, one, zero.

LOUIE: Wait, what the —

{a blue sphere engulfs Cody, Louie, and Eggblock, and they are gone. Fade out}

EGGBLOCK: To be continued...

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