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Yvonne hosts a reality show/4

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{cuts to a field. the sun is slowly rising over the horizon. the camera zooms out, showing a humming bird fly ing by the screen, landing on a metal railing. it tweets twice. a glassy feature goes over it, showing marissas room. marissa gets up, in a white pajama shirt and red pajama pants, and yawns, pushing her covers towards the window.}

MARISSA: {the covers going in the window, which expands, before shooting out} Good morning, wor- {the covers hit marissa's back, causing her to fall off teh bed} AAAUGH! {hits the floor with her forehead. she gets up, rubbing her forehead. she looks at the window} Looks kind of like rubber. I'm gonna get some breakfast before Kalt gets to the cheese danishes. {walks offscreen}

{cuts to the hallway. marissa walks out of her room. maloa leaves his room as well.}

MALOA: Hey, E.D.

MARISSA: Just because shes a good book character doesn't mean I have to be here.

MALOA: {angrily} I'm fine, thanks for asking. {leaves the room. marissa fallows shortly}

{cuts to the breakfast area. yvonne is just getting out a few trays of food. marissa and maloa walk in}

YVONNE: Hey, guys!

MALOA: Hey, yvonne. Is kalt up yet?

YVONNE: There are plenty of cheese danishes left.

{maloa and marissa grabs trays, and then walk upto a few laszy susans holding pastries. they both take some danishes, and sit down}

MARISSA: It's funny, really. My covers tried to kill me as I got up.

MALOA: It's a shame they didn't.

MARISSA: Is glass flexible?

MALOA: Keep talking, and you will find a "d" blanded onto your face tomorrow.

MARISSA: It's an A, and I'm not having an affair.

MALOA: You are, however, having trouble not acting like a dork.

MARISSA: {gets an angered expression. as a significant hitting noise is heard from under the table, maloa gets an expression of hurt} And you are having trouble not crying.

YVONNE: It's nice that the campers are working so well together.

MARISSA: I swear, when we next get in the kitchen, you're getting a fork jammed so far down your throat-

ETESAY: {offscreen} AAAAAAUGH!

MARISSA: I'll be right back. {leaves. maloa grabs her cheese danish.}

{cuts to etesays room. etesay is sitting up on her bed, crying. her cell phone is on the floor, open. marissa walks in}

MARISSA: What's wrong?

ETESAY: The evil known as pinky texted everyone here my secret.

MARISSA: How do you know?

ETESAY: Because I got texts back from everyone with a cell phone but her. I'm doomed, aren't I?

MARISSA: Lucky for you, I brought a bottle of purple hair dye.


{cuts to the breakfast area. maloa is now relaxing in a small lounge, watching a TV. marissa walks in, with etesay, who is dressed like pinky.}

MALOA: Good morning, pinky.

MARISSA: {rolling her eyes} And she gets a welcome.

{confessional: Maloa}

MALOA: I knew it was Etesay. But I couldn't risk being around her. {points at the camera} If any of you tell anyone here, I'm gonna call the person in the middle of my {holds up a picture of I'm a bell} speed dial list.

{cuts back to the dining area. pinky walks in, dredded like etesay. her hair is dyed purple with green stripes}

PINKY: Good morning.

MALOA: {looks at etesay, then pinky} Um... Did you two swap voices?

PINKY: Sure. {walks up to the breakfast bar. grabs a tray} Where are the cheese danishes?

{maloa burps}

PINKY: My morning is ruined now! I want a cheese danish!

ETESAY: {holds up a canteloupe} Canteloupes are closesly related to danishes. They both... absorb... knowledge... from water...

{confessional: Pinky}

PINKY: Etesay is dumber than an empty tin can.

{confessional: Marissa}

MARISSA: I somtimes wonder how she passed kindergarten.

{cuts back}

NICHOLAS: {enters, now with a cast on his leg} Hey, Maloa, Pinky, and, {zooms into a shot of etesay and marissa} um... Pablo and Biala!

PINKY: {lowers eye lids, starts clapping unenthusiasticaly} {sarcastic} Nice job, captain observent. {stops clapping}

{amber walks in}

{confessional: Marissa}

MARISSA: To tell the truth, I was looking foreward to amber entering. She could sort this out.

{cuts back}

AMBER: Stop doing whatever you're doing, I've entered!

{no one moves. amber frowns}

MARISSA: {walks up to amber} Amber, can you help me with-

AMBER: -sorting out the social problem thats ruining the friendship between you, Etesay, and Maloa?

MARISSA: Spot on.

AMBER: Sorry, I know nothing about it.

{confessional: Amber}

AMBER: Think of it this way: I'm getting Nicholas and Pinky on my side, so if I got Marissa, Etesay, and Maloa angry at each other, I could pick them off this show like apples off a tree.

{confessional: Marissa}

MARISSA: I hope she gets run over by pluto.


KALT: {walks in, looks at the cheese danish tray. begins licking it}

MARISSA: What are you doing?

KALT: I want a danish.

YVONNE: Okay, now that everyone's here, I'll start the challange. Follow me outside.

{yvonne leaves, everyone following}

Escapenter the room

{cuts to in front of the hotel. everyone goes outside. as soon as everyone is outside, yvonne closes and locks the front door}

AMBER: Hey, what the-

MARISSA: What's going on?

NICHOLAS: Isn't there supposed to be a challenge?

YVONNE: {through the door} Of course there is. You need to enter the hotel while doing the least collateral damage. Last one in loses. Also, the winner will get a bonus for next week. By the way push the button next to the statue of the {cuts to a statue of some fruit} orange for this confessional. {leaves}

MALOA: This is simple. Move away! {picks up a rock, throws it at a window. it merely bounces off it, and hits kalt in the eye. he doesn't seem to care}

MARISSA: Oh, yeah. My window did seem to be rubber this morning.

MALOA: {lowers eye lids} Gee. Thanks.

NICHOLAS: Okay. We need to map out the hotel. everyone, takes a different side of the hotel, and report any possible entrance-

{a knocking sound is heard. cuts to inside the lobby. kalt is knocking on the front door}

KALT: I found one!

NICHOLAS: Great! What is it?

{brief pause}

KALT: I don't remember.

{cuts back outside}

MARISSA: Okay, what ways will cause little damage to the building?

ETESAY: We can't break the front door. We'd hurt kalt.

AMBER: {running towards the door} What? {runs into the door, falling over backwards.}

MALOA: Two points!

{confessional: Etesay}

ETESAY: Yvonne must have planned a lot of ways, hence 'least collateral damage'.

{cuts to the side of the building. marissa is looking up. Nicholas comes in}

NICHOLAS: What have you found?

MARISSA: I think the water slide is our ticket in.

NICHOLAS: How are we supposed to get up there?

MARISSA: Listen closely. First, we-

{the screen swipes to marisa on top of a tree. the trunk looks surprisingly black. Nicholas is behind the tree.}

NICHOLAS: You really sure this is safe?

MARISSA: Positively. Push that tree!

'{Nicholas runs into and begins bushing on the blackened part of the tree. it quickly begins to collapse}


{cuts to a closeup of marissa. she jumps off the tree, holing onto the edge of a bright yellow slide.}

MARISSA: Yes! {climbs onto the slide, goes into the hotel.}

{cuts to the back of the buliding. Maloa, Pinky, and Amber are here.}

NICHOLAS: Got any pla-


NICHOLAS: Good. What?

PINKY: See the crumbling portion of the wall?


{maloa grabs onto the back of nicholas's wheelchair.}

NICHOLAS: What's going on?

{maloa runs at full speed towards the crumbling portion of the wall. nicholascreates a large gap, but can't seem to move. maloa climbs into the building through a crevice next to nicholas. he pulls nicholas in.}


{pinky runs towars the wall, amber quickly begins following. a white box partially appears in the wall. as soon as pinky enters, it completely covers the hole, revealing it to be a washing machine.}

AMBER: You left me out?

{confessional: Amber}

AMBER: I'm gonna crush those two like they crushed the wall.


{cuts to the right side of the building. Etesay is there. Amber walks in}

ETESAY: Don't even come near me.

AMBER: And I shouldn't why?

ETESAY: Because, just like everyone else wants to, I know you will just mock me. I might as well just leave this show.

AMBER: That's not true!

ETESAY: Just leave me alone.

AMBER: Just follow me, and we will get inside.

ETESAY: And how do I know that this isn't a scam?

AMBER: Because I will let you in first.

ETESAY: Cross your heart.

AMBER: Done.

{the two walk around to the front of the building, to the front door. Amber knocks on it}

KALT: {opens the door} Hello!

ETESAY: {squeals} I'm gonna win this!

{amber punches etesay, and runs inside}

AMBER: Like I'd risk the challenge to save you! {slams the door shut}

{yvonne walks onscreen}

YVONNE: How does it feel to have been scammed by the worst person on the show?

ETESAY: {bursts out in tears}

YVONNE: {looks directly at the camera} And that's a wrap for this episode! That brings use down to six contestants.

ETESAY: {yelling at yvonne} Your show has ruined my LIFE! These were my friends you turned againsed me!

YVONNE: Good for you. {looks back at the camera} See you next time!

{fades to black}

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