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Aruseus Emails/court

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< Aruseus Emails(Difference between revisions)
(New page: Cast ''{in order of appearance}'': Aruseus, Wolf, Chwoka Places: The Boardwalk, Courtroom Computer: E-Mach 1000 Date: June 29th, 2008 == Transcript == '''ARUSEUS:''' ''{singing}'' Bee...)
m (1 revision)

Current revision as of 22:06, 4 January 2010

Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Wolf, Chwoka

Places: The Boardwalk, Courtroom

Computer: E-Mach 1000

Date: June 29th, 2008


ARUSEUS: {singing} Been up all night, checking email, hoping they'll get any better.

{Aruseus clicks the email icon}

subject: Legal issue

Dear Aruseus,

Strong Bad has hired you as a defense attorney to help him in
being innocent in a legal issue. I am told by Homestar Runner that
this "masked plagiarist" has been copying his intellectual properties
for around a decade.

Manfred vonKarma

P.S. I am the prosecutor

ARUSEUS: Oh man...Just when I thought I was away from them, they have to pull me back. Oh well. {typing} Hmm...a defense attorney, eh? But why me? I don't know anything about court stuff!

WOLF: You, mah boi, need some help on this.

ARUSEUS: Oh no, Wolf. I'm not going to the li-berry.

WOLF: You're in luck.

{Wolf throws Aruseus a DS}

ARUSEUS: "Pheonix Wright?"

WOLF: A game where you solve court cases and stuff.

ARUSEUS: Sounds boring as hell, but ok.

{Cut to the Courtroom, Aruseus is dressed like Pheonix Wright}

WOLF: Sure you're ready?


WOLF: One more question, how do we get from one place to another in a flash?

??????: Silence! Court is in order.

ARUSEUS: Chwoka?

CHWOKA: Yes, I'm the judge here.

ARUSEUS: Where's Strong Bad?

CHWOKA: Hold on. {takes out a cellphone} Hello? WHAT!? Screw the case, you have money? {hangs up} Damn...Strong Bad bailed on us.


WOLF: So...why don't we go back to the shorehouse and get something to eat?

ARUSEUS: OBJECTION! Let's go to the boardwalk and find a resturaunt there!


{The Paper}

Fun Facts

None, y'alls.

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