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Wiki User Email Zoo977/mf

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A parody of making fiends.]
CAST: Pinky, unknown people, Yvonne, Pablo, Homeschool, Lynne, Zoo, Dot, toupee, Divzon, Vinera, Xaviar
SETTING: Mangosteen middle school, downtown west narry, Homeschools room, the cooking room, the pier


{a normal beginning plays. However, pinky replaces vendetta, pablo replaces hampster, and yvonne replaces charolette. Lerics are altered t othe needs. Cuts to a hallway in Mangosteen middle school. Homeschool is walking down the hallway looking a bit glum. he looks up, and sees lynne.}

LYNNE: Hello, homeschool.

HOMESCHOOL: {nervous} Oh, hey, lynne. Um, I was wondering-

LYNNE: {About to open a door} What?

HOMESCHOOL: Um, goodbye? {runs off in the opposite direction. cuts to his classroom. he walks in, looking sadder. yvonne walks up to him.}

YVONNE: I brought you an apple! {hands homeschool a red apple, walks offscreen. cuts to a view of homeschool looking at his reflection in the apple. he smiles}

HOMESCHOOL: I've never had a student bring me an apple before. {looks up} Thanks, yvonne.

{cuts to a view of the class. zoo and dot replace marvin and maggie}

PINKY: So, you like gifts from students, huh? I will birng in a present better than a stupid apple.

{a fiend mouth cuts to the next day. pinky walks in. pinkys hands homeschool a wrapped package}

PINKY: I have made you a gift much better than fruit.

HOMESCHOOL: Um, well, thank you, pinky.

PINKY: Well? Open it!

HOMESCHOOL: {opens the package. something brown is sticking out of it.} Um...

PINKY: It's a wig for your stupid head. Wear it!

{homeschool puts on the toupee. a bird flies in, and pecks it. a face appears on it.}

TOUPEE: {in albino's voice} Shoo!

{the bird flies away. homeschool gasps, and hesitantly looks at the toupee.}

TOUPEE: Hello, homeschool. It's your lucky day.

{cuts to downtown west narry. homeschool is walking down the street. he passes divzon}

TOUPEE: Hello, divzon.

DIVZON: Hello, homeschool.

{as he continues walking, he passes vinera putting somethign in a mailbox}

TOUPEE: What a charming outfit, vinera.

VINERA: Thanks, homeschool!

{homeschool walks a bit more nervous now. he walks past xaviar}

TOUPEE: Hello, mr. bank maneager.

XAVIAR: Oh, hello, homeschool.

HOMESCHOOL: Cut it out!

TOUPEE: I'm just making this easier for you.

{cuts to a close up of homeschools face. he gasps. a zoom out shows walking onscreen}

TOUPEE: Hello, lynne. My, you look wonderful today. What are you doing in town.

LYNNE: I'm just walking to my book club meeting. We're discussing the magical egg of istanbul.

TOUPEE: That sounds delightful!

LYNNE: Would you like to join?

HOMESCHOOL: {nervous} Um, well...

LYNNE: Great! I'll see you there. {walks offscreen}

{cuts to homeschools bedroom. he's looking into a mirror.}

TOUPEE: Do'nt I make you look not disgusting?

HOMESCHOOL: Why, yes. {short pause} Wait, wha-

TOUPEE: Tell me, did you enjoy today?

HOMESCHOOL: Well, yes.

TOUPEE: I can make you feel even happier. That is, if you do me one little favor.

HOMESCHOOL: What's that?

TOUPEE: {angered} Destroy yvonne!

{a flash of lighting plays, and homeschool gasps. cuts to cooking class the next day. yvonne is looking at two glasses of blue liquid by the sink. a container labled sink cleaner is nearby.}

YVONNE: Homeschool, which one has kool aid?

TOUPEE: The one on the left.

YVONNE: Ok! {is about to drink it}

HOMESCHOOL: No! {swats it out of her hand} The other one.

{cuts to a close up of homeschool and the toupee}

HOMESCHOOL: I'm sorry, I just can't do it.

TOUPEE: It's easy.

{cuts to a view of yvonne reaching for a watch in a small black area. a zoom out reveals she is looking in an oven. homeschool is looking at her with a confused expression. after a few seconds. it shows yvonne looking in a spice cabinet under a row of magnitized knife. a pan to the side shows homeschool, looking at a demagnitizing button. after a few more seconds, it shows yvonne dancing under a cabinet labled pots and pans. a string is on the bottom pannel. homeschool is gently hoding the string. cuts to a pier. a schoolbus is parked in the background. yvonne is attempting to grab something on a cliff over a railing.}

HOMESCHOOL: I don't think I can.

TOUPEE: One little push, and it will all be over...


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