Main Page

From Wuanet

Revision as of 23:29, 29 January 2008 by Sabrahao (Talk | contribs)



WUAnet is an initiative started with the aim of providing Usability and Accessibility solutions to the industry coming from the Web Engineering field. The main research focus is to ensure usability and accessibility into Web development processes. This leads us to identify and understand the user needs and plan for how to integrate those needs into the Web development process. This will be achieved by assessing the effectiveness of existing approaches for Web usability and accessibility evaluation. These include, but are not limited to: review guidelines, usability models, usability/accessibility standards, usability evaluation methods, usability checkers, accessibility verifiers, logging tools, automatic metric capture tools, etc. An issue of particular importance is when and how the usability/accessibility problems should be fixed. This will contribute to the creation of a body of knowledge about usability and accessibility in Web Engineering. Our ultimate goal is to transfer this knowledge to the Web development industry.


The main objective of the WUAnet is to improve current practices and tools for the evaluation of usability and accessibility of Web applications.


  • Systematic review of usability/accessibility evaluation methods applied in the Web Engineering field
  • Integration of usability and accessibility into Web development processes
  • Comparison of tools for Web usability/accessibility evaluation


Conferences and workshops

Call for papers

Next meeting

  • Yorktown Heights, New York, USA, on 2008-07-14 (during ICWE 2008)

Work in progress

Talk:Main_Page (members only)





Teaching material




External links

Activity leads


About Media Wiki

Personal tools