Main Page

From Wrichacir

Revision as of 01:48, 29 January 2008 by Greenling (Talk | contribs)

Our Writers

Bassist159 - Laudanum addict, would-be writer, connoisseur of antique pornography. One of these is true.
CelestinaStar - Former poet, daydreamer, and all-around fucked up human being. She likes it this way.
Lynne- resident want-to-be androgynous author of very disturbing things. also ruler of plushfrogs.
LogosInvictus - Mad, erratic genius.
Jaito- A speaker of rare wisdom, rarely. Likes his writing like he likes his romance: 250 words or less.

Here's an idea, guys. Use the Talk page (that is, the discussion tab) on various people's writing pages to critique and comment?

If we write, say, two prompts per week, I assume we can add both?

Topic Archive

A list of our topics, organized by date and minimum word-count.

  • 250 Words
    • 01/27/2008 - Opening Line: "In retrospect, love is not at all like a _________."
    • 02/02/2008 -
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