Main Page
From Wrichacir
Revision as of 11:48, 27 January 2008 by Bassist159 (Talk | contribs)
Our Writers
Bassist159 - Laudanum addict, would-be writer, connoisseur of antique pornography. One of these is true.
Lynne- resident want-to-be androgynous author of very disturbing things. also ruler of plushfrogs.
CelestinaStar - Former poet, daydreamer, and all-around fucked up human being. She likes it this way.
LogosInvictus - Mad, erratic genius.
Jaito- A speaker of rare wisdom, rarely. Likes his writing like he likes his romance: 250 words or less.
Here's an idea, guys. Use the Talk page (that is, the discussion tab) on various people's writing pages to critique and comment?
Topic Archive
A list of our topics, organized by date and minimum word-count.
- 250 Words
- 01/27/2008 - Opening Line: "In retrospect, love is not at all like a _________."