The regions

From Worldofseasons

The Regions of Altamira


Ellatha, the Region of Winter

Agathe - the Capital city of Ethalla. The city is surrounded by the Agathe Mountain Range, which covers a small portion of the region. The best known doctors come to Agathe to study and practice their medicine.

Agathe Mountain Range - Covers a portion of the region. There is a little winding trail that connects Hagne to the other side of the mountains. The City of Illusion, Ammon, resides in the mountains.

Hagne - the Holy City of Worship. Those choosing to follow the way of Priesthood in Altamira go to Hagne for training.

Ammon - The City of Illusion, where the god Eksinta is rumoured to live. No one has ever found the city, no one has ever entered it. Many had gone on the journey to find it but...they have never returned to tell the tale.

Athanas - The port town that had been hit hard by the wars in Altamira ages ago. Despite that fact, the people of the town always rebuild their city. It has been dubbed "The Immortal City"

Bion, Bartolmai, Cambys - Three towns that lay in ruin between Athanas and Agathe. They were struck hard by the Wars of Long Ago. The people of the towns fled and moved elsewhere.

Neshwar, the Region of Summer

Arjun - The main villiage of Neshwar, and also the biggest. It is the trade capital of the world. All sorts of silks, gems, and tapestries come from Arjun.

Prem, Yash, Ojas - Three little villiages just outside of Arjun. They are the main sheep herding villiages.

Netra - Sacred Temple of Arjun. All prayers and gifts to Lakshmi go here.

Priya - A little fishing villiage.

Esha Oasis - Just what it is: an oasis.

Lakuma Tropical Forest - Even a desert has it's own forest. Houses a mini-oasis.

Fugenzo, the Region of Spring

Great Mountain Hoshiyono - A holy place where the goddess Seiobo lives.

ChoDai - the war capitol of Altamira. During the War of Long Ago, ChoDai had the most well-trained army that it easily won over the rest of the world, conquering each region with raw power. Now, however, the only region ChoDai is in command of is its own; the 'Treaty of Pure Peace' does not allow war to be brought upon the regions.

Yamada - An old little fishing villiage. It also serves as the port town of Fugenzo.

Oshiido - The training grounds of ChoDai's army. It was a once-great town, but the war tore it down and now it is just used for training.

Yaisoku - Anything goes in this town: gambling, killing, prostitution. The lowest of the low of towns within Altamira. Bright city lights blind foreigners thinking of visiting Yaisoku.

Himajima Resort - A hot spring resort.

Aldawine, the Region of Autumn

Rutingam - DRINK UP MEN! The port town of all port towns. Home to the best pub with the best tasting beers.

Wirral, Walsall, Gloucer - Farming towns. It is said that the moogles have a system of underground tunnels beneath the towns. Is it rumour or truth? Only the people of these towns know the answer.

Lanshire - Another port town. Smaller and just filled with retired old men and fisherman.

Amation - Main town of Aldawine. It is built like that of an old medieval town. It is surrounded by the Forest of Amation.


Hokkai Islands - A set of islands of the Fugenzo region. It is a vacation haven.

Exile Island - Where those exiled from the four regions are sent. It's lush in vegetation, giving those who were sent away a rather nice place to live. Unnamed settlements line the island.

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