Ashni Claire Jackson-Mitchell
From Worldinherhands
Journal: bringslightning
Played by: Bethany
Ashni Claire Jackson-Mitchell is the daughter of Lt. Col. Cameron Evangeline Mitchell and Dr. Daniel Jackson. She was conceived offworld while her parents were engaged in the struggle against the Ori and Lucian Alliance. The Ori were defeated but the victory was pyrrhic at best because directly after the Ori were defeated, the Lucian Alliance swooped in and managed to assassinate the US President and the majority of the the IOA. Earth fell to them, but before they could take over Cheyenne Mountain, the base was evacuated and all SGC personnel and their families were shipped to various destinations across the galaxy, before the self-destruct mechanism was armed and collapsed the mountain in on the base.
Ashni has little to no idea where she was born exactly. Neither of her parents ever bothered to tell her. She grew up worldhopping, always trying to keep one step ahead of the Lucian alliance headhunters searching for any sign of the SG-1 members. The place she remembers the most is Uncle Teal'c's house on Dakara. She got to stay there for several months at a time once, her parents wanting to keep her safe while they ran a couple of missions with the Tau'ri Freedom Fighter group that had arisen out of all of Earth expatriates.
She has her father's gift for languages and her mother's love for flying, and she has a variety of odd (and useful) skillsets that she's picked over the years.
She always has with her, one dogtag each from each parent which she wears around her neck and the multitool that Uncle Jack gave her.