Rodney McKay
From Worldinherhands
Journal: blewupsolarsys
Played by: Bethany
Dr. Rodney McKay as he is known to all and sundry(due to his extreme dislike of his real first name, Meredith) is a brilliant Canadian astrophysicist. He is also one of the leading experts on, not just with the Stargate and wormhole physics, but also with Ancient and nanite technology in both the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies. He has a rather inflated view of himself, and does some of his best work under extreme amounts of pressure.
He has a (sometimes disputed) allergy to lemons and all citrus fruits. He does play the piano and has a love for classic science fiction (Heinlein, Asimov, Godwin, Bova, Card). He has a set of dogtags that he never ever takes off. Despite what some people believe, he did get and maintains his firearm certification.
He has a weakness for blonds and can never ever remember what his brother-in-law's name actually is (Kevin? Kardin? Kaleb?). He does love his sister, Jeannie and his niece, Madison.