
From Worldinherhands

Revision as of 04:33, 23 July 2008 by InzaneMisha (Talk | contribs)

I've been role playing in multi fandom games online since November 2003. Lindsey McDonald from Angel was my first pup.

I'm a special needs teacher at the elementary school level. Some days I really wonder why, and how, I do it. Then one of my kids will do something so absolutely beautiful that I wonder how I could ever consider leaving this profession. (My favorite kid memory is, I was babysitting TJ, and TJ had dumped FiddleStix all over the floor and when it was time to clean up, he wanted me to help him and I said "I didn't make the mess, why should I have to clean it up?" (Of course I *was* going to help him) and he says "My mom always helps me" to which I replied "I'm not your mom." TJ looked adorably thoughtful for a moment, then sad, "In my situation right now you are." And there was no way I could even pretend not to help him then!)

Contact Info

  • AIM MeeshZilla
  • E-mail




Adam Young (Good Omens)
Anthony J Crowley (Good Omens)
Elphaba Thropp (Wicked)
Gabriel Harkin (A Son Called Gabriel)
Thomas Lang (The Gun Seller)


Alex Bernier (The Order)
Jake Perry (Sweet Home Alabama)
Murphy MacManus(Boondock Saints)
Raymond Wood (Girl From Rio)
Reina and Sofia Wood (Girl From Rio)

Will Lennox (Transformers)


Danny McCoy (Las Vegas)
Harry Dresden (The Dresden Files)
James Wilson (House, MD)
John Carter (ER)
Lisa Cuddy (House,MD)
Marcus Foreman (House, MD)

Original Characters

Julien Cartier
Marsden "Pudge" Wood (Girl From Rio)
Reina Wood (Girl From Rio)


Frank Roberts (Highway Patrolman, performed by Johnny Cash)

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