Raven Darkholme

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Mystique is a very complex character with a long involved history that I couldn't even begin to do justice to. So here's her wiki page. Mystique's Wiki

On the island of Purgatory, Mystique had a fling with Logan, and to this day still has mixed feelings for the X-Man. He is the only one to have left a mark on her, and she still bears a scar from his claws. Here, Mystique will be sure to try and make up lost time with Rogue, and she still harbors feelings for Logan, so I'm sure we'll be seeing the two of them fighting, among other things...

Mystique has replaced a famous model, and often gets booked under aliases by morphing into a different pretty girl every week.

Mystique's journal is morphalicious.

Mystique is played by Pryllie.

PB: Rebecca Romijn as Mystique and mostly Rebecca Romijn out of makeup. But sometimes other celebrities.

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