Frequently Asked Questions

From Worldinherhands

Revision as of 21:37, 16 February 2009 by Pryllie (Talk | contribs)

Q: How do characters arrive in the World In Her Hands World?
A: They are pulled from their own worlds and deposited directly into an identical version of their life here in GodWorld.

Q: What is a Godbox and what can it do?
A: A Godbox is a small device that doubles as a mobile phone. It has a slide out keyboard and an extra key that when pressed, allows you to type in or speak into a microphone the location of where you want to go. When you press enter, you are instantaneously transported to that location.

Q: What kinds of locations and belongings come to the world with the characters?
A: Whatever is already established in that character's canon exists here, and each individual's belongings that accompany a character is left up to the player of that character.

Q: Where do characters appear?
A: Also, that's left up to the player. They can appear in any town that exists in their canon (provided they're from Earth), or on real space Earth. If your character exists outside of Earth, you can pick what town they appear in.

Q: What about nonhuman characters? Do they take on human form?
A: Yes, all non-human characters take on a human form. This means robots, cartoons, comics, etc. need to look humanoid. But it doesn't mean that they don't retain any powers they might have had before. They just become humanoid in appearance.

Q: What kind of PBs are allowed?
A: All PB's must be real people. Celebrities, models, actors/actresses, etc. No comic/cartoon/drawn forms, although the occasional comic or cartoon icon is acceptable. You also may not use yourself or any friends.

Q: Can NPCs be created and used by players?
A: Yes, absolutely. It goes with the territory of your canon being present. If for instance, Allison DuBois from Medium showed up, her husband and children could be NPCs. If someone apped those other characters, then they would replace the NPC. Unless and until someone applies to play a character, they can most certainly be a NPC created and used by the players of people from that canon.

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