From Worldinherhands
Current revision as of 16:25, 8 March 2009
I tend to play only Lee Adama from Battlestar Galactica although I have him from various different times in his canon at different places. I also have one AU Lee character as well as two Jamie Bamber PBs who are still loosely based on Lee but not him. On Live Journal I'm involved in RPGs at Glaxcin Prison, This Is Area 42, Capslock Dressing Room, and Infinity Dressing Room and was at Onorata until it went on hiatus. The pup also rails at me and commiserates with other pups at Dear Mun. In addition, most of my Lee Adama-related fanfiction can be found at Lee Adama's Musings (a few of the earlier ones as well as icons and picspam are at my personal journal Anastashial. On Insane Journal my RPGs are The Marked, Meet Cute, HalfWorld Dressing Room (although this seems to be inactive since I posted last weekend), and I've been trying to get Dear Mun active here again. I'm involved in the PSL comm Fictive. I was also at Chosen Forces another comm that's currently on hiatus . By now you must be thinking I am nuts.
Contact Info
- AIM: anastashial
- YIM: anastashial
Lee Adama (Battlestar Galactica)