D'Kahn Ti'ska

From Worldinherhands

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D'Kahn Ti'ska is from a very Force strong planet called Nebula which, for this version of him, was attacked a year ago. Many were slaughtered including those close to him. His wife, husband, children, brothers, nephews... basically all of his family and those he considered family are amongst those slaughtered. He has made it his personal vendetta to go and find them. Due to the darkness that courses through his veins now, what limited Force ability he had grew while on Nebula. He also wears a Force crystal from Nebula's mountains around his neck to remind him of all that he's lost. He is not really insane, just very intense. He is very dark. There will be many dark things to deal with him, including self-inflicted injury, probably drugs, drinking, masochistic things, etc. He is quite literally an extremely dark soul. He won't understand God's reasoning for bringing him to this world. His PB is Christian Bale. His player is Midalah and she can be reached at LdyMidalahNebula on AIM. His journal is dkahntiska.

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