John Sheppard

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John Sheppard is an experienced pilot, though his reputation was somewhat tarnished when he disobeyed a direct order in Afghanistan in an unsuccessful attempt to save the lives of several servicemen. He has experience flying AH-1 Cobra, AH-64 Apache, OH-58 Kiowa, UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters and CV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft. He requested a remote post at McMurdo Station. When called upon to transport General Jack O'Neill to the research base that had been established at the nearby Ancient defense facility, he inadvertently discovered that he not only had the ATA gene (the genetic factor necessary to activate Ancient technology), but that he was naturally proficient at using it. After some doubts, he finally joined the expedition to Atlantis, although Col. Marshall Sumner made it clear he was not pleased about Sheppard's involvement in the mission.
John Sheppard is an experienced pilot, though his reputation was somewhat tarnished when he disobeyed a direct order in Afghanistan in an unsuccessful attempt to save the lives of several servicemen. He has experience flying AH-1 Cobra, AH-64 Apache, OH-58 Kiowa, UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters and CV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft. He requested a remote post at McMurdo Station. When called upon to transport General Jack O'Neill to the research base that had been established at the nearby Ancient defense facility, he inadvertently discovered that he not only had the ATA gene (the genetic factor necessary to activate Ancient technology), but that he was naturally proficient at using it. After some doubts, he finally joined the expedition to Atlantis, although Col. Marshall Sumner made it clear he was not pleased about Sheppard's involvement in the mission.

Revision as of 22:01, 5 June 2009

John Sheppard is an experienced pilot, though his reputation was somewhat tarnished when he disobeyed a direct order in Afghanistan in an unsuccessful attempt to save the lives of several servicemen. He has experience flying AH-1 Cobra, AH-64 Apache, OH-58 Kiowa, UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters and CV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft. He requested a remote post at McMurdo Station. When called upon to transport General Jack O'Neill to the research base that had been established at the nearby Ancient defense facility, he inadvertently discovered that he not only had the ATA gene (the genetic factor necessary to activate Ancient technology), but that he was naturally proficient at using it. After some doubts, he finally joined the expedition to Atlantis, although Col. Marshall Sumner made it clear he was not pleased about Sheppard's involvement in the mission.

After infiltrating a Wraith hive ship, Sheppard found Colonel Sumner near death at the hands of the Wraith Keeper, and decided to kill his superior officer to spare him from more suffering, and the end the security threat posed by the Colonel's now vulnerable mind. Upon his return to Atlantis, Sheppard discovered that he was now the highest ranking military officer of the Expedition, and summarily took over as Dr. Elizabeth Weir's head of military and security for Atlantis base. After a year of service in the Pegasus galaxy, Sheppard was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel at the insistence of Dr. Weir, as the leader of the Expedition wanted no one else as her military commander.

In addition to his role as Atlantis Military Commander, Sheppard leads the primary 'Gate Team of Atlantis Base, which consists of members Rodney McKay, Teyla Emmagan and, most recently, Ronon Dex.


Before WiHH

The events of Stargate: Atlantis Season 1 through Season 3 remain intact, as well as the first several episodes of Season 4.

At some point between Doppelganger (04x04) and Travelers (04x05), Sheppard and his team are sent on a recon mission to investigate a potential break-through in Ancient technology that would help tip the scale in their favour in the Wraith-Asuran war. All they find is a ruined world with nothing to offer but bombed out villages and desolate landscapes. In one derelict village, the team splits up and Sheppard makes the strange discovery of life on an otherwise dead planet: a tiny kitten trapped in a very dusty, long-abandoned house.

Rescuing the poor creature from its predicament of being buried under a table runner, the kitten imprinted on him and it was all Sheppard could do to get out of the house and leave the kitten trapped inside. The Lt.-Colonel didn't make it very far as the plaintive cries from the tiny creature halted his retreat and poked at his conscience. Knowing full well that Samantha Carter would flay him alive for bringing back a life-form without permission, he stowed the kitten away and brought it home with him.

Back on Atlantis, the kitten escaped before he could do much of anything. The creature made it into the air-ducts and inadvertently began wreaking havoc with various systems. Finally "rescuing" it from the air-duct in his room, he cleaned the kitten up and discovered that it was a pure-white female that had a patch of sky-blue fur in the shape of an arrowhead on its forehead.

Rationalizing that "...the blue patch [made her] look like a cloud with a spot of sky poking through...," he dubbed her Skye, which the kitten seemed to agree to.

Sheppard was finally outed when Skye made an appearance in the post-mission briefing, netting the Colonel a reprimand from his superior with the understanding that if Sheppard wished to keep the kitten, then it would be his sole responsibility and that if he couldn't keep her under control, alternate ownership would have to be found.

The events of Travelers (04x05) have not yet occurred as of his arrival in-game.

Arrival to WiHH

Waking up one morning, as usual, Sheppard had no inkling that anything was amiss until he stepped out of his room, kitten in hand, to head to breakfast with his team and found not the usual junction in the living quarters section of Atlantis, but a penthouse condo decorated in a very similar manner as the Lost City of the Ancients.

On the counter separating the kitchen from the dining room he found a cell phone-like device with a text message stating that he was no longer in Kansas Pegasus, so to speak.

Deciding to follow the instructions, he sent a message to the board to see if he could figure out what the hell was going on...

Player/Character Info

John Sheppard is played by Nic.

Sheppard can be reached via:


I am not John Sheppard nor does he belong to me. He is a fictional character from the television show Stargate: Atlantis and belongs to MGM. Joe Flanigan belongs to himself. I'm just borrowing his likeness and character for RP and fandom writing purposes. MGM can have my books and DVDs back if they don't like it. If you are looking for these people, look somewhere else.

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