Royal Swedish Navy

From Worldatplay

Image:Swedish Navy.png

The Royal Swedish Navy is the naval branch of the Swedish Armed Forces. It consists of surface and submarine naval units – the Fleet – as well as marine units, the so-called Amphibious Corps.

In Swedish, Royal Swedish Navy vessels are given the prefix "HMS," short for Hans/Hennes Majestäts Skepp ("His/Her Majesty's Ship").


The fleet

Surface vessels


  • 2 Type 45 destroyers
    • 1 NHI NH90 NATO Frigate Helicopter


  • 3 F124 Sachsen class anti-air frigates
    • 2 NHI NH90 NATO Frigate Helicopters
  • 3 F123 Brandenburg class anti-submarine frigates
    • 2 NHI NH90 NATO Frigate Helicopters
  • 5 La Fayette class light multimission frigates
    • 1 NHI NH90 NATO Frigate Helicopter


  • 10 Visby class corvettes
  • 8 Göteborg class corvettes
  • 4 Stockholm class corvettes

Patrol boats

  • 12 Tapper class patrol boats

Combat boats

  • 250 Stridsbåt 90 fast military assault craft

Mine countermeasure vessels

  • 7 Landsort class mine countermeasure vessels
  • 4 Styrsö class mine countermeasure vessels


  • 6 Gotland class submarines
  • 4 Södermanland class submarines

Auxiliary vessels

  • 100 G class landing craft
  • 1 Älvsborg class support vessel
  • 1 patrol craft tender
  • 4 minelayers
  • 2 submarine salvage vessels
  • 1 dive tender
  • 2 torpedo salvage vessels
  • 1 transport ship
  • 1 SIGINT vessel

School ships

  • 2 schooners
  • 3 navigation education ships
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