Team variant

From World Of Catan

Revision as of 07:05, 5 June 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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The team variant to The Settlers of Catan, created by Jon Ivar Toennesen, allows for 2 or 3 teams to play against each other. This variant is designed for 4 or 6 players for use with the base game and all official expansions, as well as various variants.


[edit] Setup

If playing with 4 players, set up a standard board setup.

If playing with 6 players, set up a standard 5-6 player game setup.

[edit] Variant Rules

[edit] Seating

The players are seated in a given order:

  • 4 players — 2 teams: A and B: A1-B1-A2-B2
  • 6 players — 2 teams: A and B: A1-B1-A2-B2-A3-B3
  • 6 players — 3 teams: A, B and C: A1-B1-C1-A2-B2-C2

[edit] Team play

  • The players may trade with each other as in the original rules.
  • The players on the same team may give each other production cards.
  • No one can give away (or trade) development cards or progress cards.
  • Harbors may only be used by the owner and only on his or her turn.
  • There is no special building phase.
  • Buildings or knights belonging to other players breaks or blocks a player's road even if it belongs to a team-mate (good team play and diplomatic skills are required).

[edit] Victory Conditions

The first team to accumulate a mean average score of 15 victory points per player wins!

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