Windmills of Catan

From World Of Catan

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Windmill pieces for Windmills Variant

Windmills of Catan is an unofficial variant for The Settlers of Catan created by George van Voorn. It is designed for 3-4 players and requires the base game and The Seafarers of Catan expansion.



For centuries the Dutch have been building dykes and windmills to reclaim land from the sea. In the Golden Age, the Dutch colonized territories overseas, among those the island of Catan. The methods used to reclaim land from the sea are now used to enlarge the island territory.


Build the board using 3 of every resource tile and placing them randomly in the appropriate white hexes as shown in the figure below.

From the Seafarers expansion take all land tiles, then discard desert tiles until you have 9 land tiles left. Place those tiles like the gray spaces in Figure 1, but upside down. These are shallow water spaces, that can be claimed. Around this all, put a circle with an alternating pattern of water tiles and harbors. From the base game, take the numbers 5, 2, 6, 3, 8, 10, 6, 12, 9, 4, 8, 10, 9, 4, 5 and place them randomly on the revealed . Use the Seafarers tiles for the reclaimed tiles (explained later).

All players receive three windmills in the appropriate color.

Variant Rules

This variant follows all the standard rules and the Seafarers rules. In addition:

  • Players may build ships around unrevealed (upside down) tiles in order to build a windmill.
  • During the build phase, a player may build a windmill at the cost of 1 brick and 1 timber on any unrevealed tile that is completely surrounded by roads and ships. Once one turn has passed and after [[resolving the dice roll], turn the tile over and (assuming it is not a desert tile) place a number chit on it. Any ships that were used to surround the tile must be placed on their sides and now act as roads (ships that still touch sea tiles or unrevealed tiles should remain ships).
  • The windmill remains on the tile since continuous pumping is required to keep the land dry. For that reason, players can only claim a limited number of land tiles from the sea (maximum of three per player).


This game follows standard win conditions of the base game (first to 10 points).

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