Talk:Main Page

From Wolf Project

Revision as of 11:16, 18 February 2013 by (Talk)
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To modify the logo for the whole site, go to image_logo_url and change the link to a new image. This one is stored on my Picasa account. Kye 02:19, 21 August 2007 (EDT)

說道:謝謝ricker 大的回覆,而後台一直存不了變數,直接到msyql 去執行結果出現這樣的錯誤訊息UPDATE `hung_blog`.`wp_options` SET `option_value` = a:14:{s:5:"count";i:0;s:13:"check_reflash";i:0;s:7:"timeout";i:0;s:12:"display_home";i:0;s:14:"display_single";i:0;s:12:"display_page";i:0;s:15:"display_archive";i:0;s:14:"display_search";i:0;s:13:"display_other";i:0;s:8:"template";s:9:"人氣%VIEW_COUNT%";s:13:"user_template";s:9:"人氣%VIEW_COUNT%";s:12:"bot_template";s:9:"蜘蛛%VIEW_COUNT%";s:20:"most_viewed_template";s:0:"";s:8:"botagent";a:2:{i:0;s:6:"";i:1;s:216:"Warning: implode() []: Invalid argnmeuts passed in /home/hung/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/wp-postviews-plus/admin.php on line 218";}}' WHERE `wp_options`.`option_id` =13127;我未變動過admin.php 這檔案,不知道問題出在哪呢?

Logan B / Hey guys, I want to start by saying I love your show, but raelly, what the hell, I've been waiting all week for this. I missed last Thursday and my week hasn't been complete and its driving me nuts. And now there is no show?!?! Go fuck a midget you fisting pricks.

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