Special Items
From Witch
Current revision as of 15:38, 23 January 2008
Special Items
Elyon Brown (Heart of Meridian)
Lillian Hale (Heart of Earth)
Portal Map – An ancient map given to Hay Lin from Yan Lin. It displays and locates portals to Meridian, when the Heart is held over it. It is only part of the map, the part in the universe that shows Earth, as a long loyal knight to Prince Phobos saw Phobos is evil, he ripped part of the map and took it. It debuted in "Happy Birthday Will" when Yan Lin found it while cleaning out the attic. Once the Heart of Kandrakar absorbed the Seal of Phobos, the Portal Map became useless. Its final appearance was in "The Underwater Mines".
Horn of Hypnos – is a yellow/orange bulky mystical horn, which turns its victims, into zombie-like "Trance Marchers". The Horn has a low pitch, which changes them. However, once a victim is turned into a Trance Marcher, they lack the brain knowledge and speed of how they attack, they can only follow orders the best they can and basically lack free will. The Horn will only work when it is pointed at its victim, hearing the Horn is not enough to be turned into a Trance Marcher. To prevent the Horn from working on someone, two methods of escaping the spell is putting in earplugs (Irma and Blunk did this) and to be under water doesn't seem to turn somebody into a Trance Marcher (Caleb went under-water accidentally when the Horn was blown). When the spell is broken, it will vanish and reappear in a different location.
The Horn's debut was in Season 1 "Walk this Way", where Cedric used it to turn Drake and a few rebels into Trance Marchers. But Blunk stole it and everybody in Heatherfield fell victim to the Horn's spell, including Hay Lin. Caleb manages to break the spell and everyone turns back to normal and the Horn vanishes. It then reappeared in Season 2 "G is for Garbage" and the Knights of Vengeance uses it to turn the Guardians into Trance Marchers, except Irma who escapes the spell. She enlists Blunk's help and Blunk finally manages to sing the melody, which breaks the spell and makes the Horn vanish again to somewhere else. However, before the spell was broken, Trance Marcher Cornelia sent boulders flying in the air and one of them fell on the Horn and the Horn was flattened.
If the Horn can be usable again is unclear after getting crushed.
Aurameres – The Aurameres made their debut in Season 2 "B is for Betrayal". The Aurameres are five small, glowing spheres kept on the world Kandrakar. The Aurameres spin clockwise on a table in a separate room in the fortress. The Aurameres are the source of all Guardian magic, the Aurameres transmit Kandrakar's energy across the dimensions to the Heart of Kandrakar and the Guardians. Luba is the keeper of the Aurameres. There are five different colours:
- Pink – The Pink Auramere represents Will's Guradian element over Quintessence
- Dark Blue – The Dark Blue Auramere represents Irma's Guradian element over Water
- Orange – The Orange Auramere represents Taranee's Guradian element over Fire
- Yellow – The Yellow Auramere represents Cornelia's Guradian element over Earth
- Light Blue – The Light Blue Auramere represents Hay Lin's Guradian element over Air
The Aurameres were introduced to the Guardians in "B is for Betrayal" as the source of their powers. In "N is for Narcissist" when the Knights of Destruction attacked Kandrakar, Nerissa (Glamoured as the Mage) managed to make Halinor afraid if the Guardians failed to protect the fortress to steal the Aurameres. She knocked Luba out for a few minutes in order to absorb the Aurameres to become a Qunito - Guardian. However, she accidentally put all the Aurameres into Cornelia. She didn't have a choice but to absorb all five Aurameres into her own body. The other Guardians lost their powers and was up to Cornelia to defeat the Knights. It appears that when the powers of the Aurameres are present in one person, that person becomes more powerful than the five are together.
This was a part of Nerissa's plan, because she tried to enthrall Cornelia while she still held the five Aurameres, but she was interrupted by the return of the other Guardians and Luba. In the end of the episode, the Aurameres were removed from her body and back on the table to float again. In "Z is for Zenith" when Cedric had swallowed and eaten Phobos and grew to the size of Godzilla, he instructed Miranda (who had also been enlarged by Cedric's power) to destroy the Aurameres in order to render the Guardians powerless. She was on the verge of completing her task when she defeated Luba, Caleb and Blunk, but thankfully, Sandpit managed to punch and knock her out from taking the Aurameres.
Symbols of Elyon – are her Body, Mind and Spirit. Phobos had finally discovered who his long lost sister was in Season 1 "The Princess Revealed" and it turned out to be Elyon Brown. In "Stop the Presses" Phobos started the Ritual of Amalgamation, which would cause a part of Elyon to be in Meridian already, so that it will be easier to bring her there afterwards. For this ritual, he needs symbols of Elyon's body, mind, and spirit. Cedric takes her hairbrush (body), A+ math test (mind), but the Spirit is much harder since Cedric had to get her breath. Cedric finally captures Elyon's breath (spirit) in a balloon. In "Parents' Night" the Ritual of Amalgamation has been completed and the three items combine create a crown, which Elyon wears, even after Phobos is defeated in Season 2. Later on in the episode, Cedric manages to take Elyon back home to Meridian and to a lying Phobos, who comes up with dumb lies like the Veil and the Guardians etc.
Seal of Phobos – is a rhombus shaped magical jewel that allows the user to have the power to open portals in the Veil. It was stolen by Galgheita Rudolph to take Elyon as a baby still over to Earth to protect her from her brother, Phobos. Before entering through the portal, she drops the Seal and it falls into a sewer. 12 Years later, the Seal is discovered by Blunk, when escaping some Lurdens. When the Guardians find Blunk, he accidentally causes the Seal to merge with the Heart of Kandrakar. The Heart then has the power to open Portals now. They now then open the Book of Secrets, and learn the deadly plan Phobos has for Elyon. It became useless after "B is for Betrayal" in Season 2.
Tooth of Tonga – is a large tooth that belonged to a creature long ago, this allowed him to travel through the universe by creating folds. The Tooth is used to open folds, like the Heart of Kandrakar. The Tooth of Tonga made its debut in Season 2 "B is for Betrayal", the Oracle gave the Tooth to Blunk as a gift because he sees Blunk is always willingly save his friends, even Guardians. It is revealed in "R is for Relentless", that Nerissa performed a spell on the Tooth earlier in Season 2, that she can track Blunk's movement between worlds when opening folds. In "X is for Xanadu", when Blunk is captured, Phobos takes the Tooth away from him in part of his plan to create a giant fold using the Great Ring. Blunk managed to get the Tooth back in "Z is for Zenith".
Book of Secrets – is a large book that only the owner of the book can open. The owner of the Book is currently Prince Phobos. It has all of Phobos' secrets and plans for Elyon locked inside. It was first mentioned in "Ambush at Torus Filney" but made its debut in "The Mogriffs" where Caleb and Blunk stole it from Elyon's room after Elyon had found it in the library and had took it there. Despite trying in many ways, they just couldn't open the Book until in "The Seal of Phobos" where the Guardians gained the magical Seal of Phobos that could open anything. That's where they learned of Phobos' plan to steal Elyon from her power.
Mage Ring – The Mage Ring is like any normal ring, except the ring can open folds to travel between worlds. Nerissa kept it when the Mage died, Nerissa didn't really need the ring really since she had her Seal to do her work. When the Seal was taken and she was absorbed into it, the Mage Ring teleported straight to Phobos. He uses this to create a giant fold using the Great Ring. It is uncertain of what becomes of the Mage Ring after Phobos and Cedric are defeated in "Z is for Zenith".
The Great Ring – The Great Ring is a gigantic ring that towers over the castle of Meridian. It is used to create a huge fold that splits the castle in half. Its power supply comes from the Mage Ring and Blunk's Tonga Tooth. Phobos created the ring in order to invade Kandrakar with his army, enough to get through the fold. It made its debut in "Y is for Yield" as people of Meridian were forced to build the Ring over the castle. At the end of the episode, Phobos activated the Ring and a fold was created allowing a dozens of Lurdens and the Knights of Vengeance to cross over. In "Z is for Zenith" Cedric uses the Great Ring in order to invade Earth since he has grown to the size of godzilla. When Elyon returns back to Meridian with all her powers back, it is unclear of what becomes of the Great Ring towering over the Palace.
Spike Wheels – Spike Wheels made their debut in Season 1 "Framed". These are used by Lurdens and Castle Guards during Phobos' reign. Lurdens or Castle Guards will let the wheels roll freely towards fleeing people and will send out spikes at the victim to hopefully injure them and will stop them from running. The wheel will eventually stop and release lots of tiny little ornage like scorpions, which are called Morphans. The Morphans will attack the victim with a stinger on there tails, these will inject Morphan Venom into the victim, where they will sleep for 24 hours. More of the Spike Wheels were seen in "The Rebel Rescue" which are used by some Lurdens, Castle Guards and Cedric, in order to get Caleb and Blunk. The Guardians and Caleb soon came to the area to try and find Blunk, but was Ok. However, they discover a Castle Guard was injured by one of the spikes from the wheel, and against Caleb's complaints, the Guardians help him and soon Morphans were released and one of them managed to inject Morphan Venom into Taranee, where she fell asleep for 24 hours.
The Castle Guard that the Guardians helped was in fact Tynar and he managed to convince nearly all the Castle Guards to turn against Phobos and help the Rebellion.
Seal of Nerissa – The Seal of Nerissa made its debut in Season 2 "Q is for Quarry". It was created and combined by two Hearts of Meridian and Zamballa. After Will didn't absorb the Heart of Meridian because she thought it might corrupt her power, Kadma who is annoyed with her, absorbs the Heart into the Heart of Zamballa, but Hearts cannot be taken by force, so the new improved staff teleports back to Nerissa. She then calls it the Seal of Nerissa. Nerissa went on to try and find more power for her Seal. In "U is for Undivided", she tries and adds Lillian's power, the Heart of Earth, to her Seal but fails. In "V is for Victory", Will discovers that they can't take the Seal because of the Heart of Meridian, it can't be taken because it was given to Nerissa freely, so she frees Phobos since he can take it and bend the rule.
Nerissa then absorbs the original Guardians into the Seal after they snapped out of her control. This therefore allowed the Seal to have all the Guardians powers to be fueled by two Hearts. Phobos managed to get the Seal and renames the Seal as the Sceptre of Phobos. After retaking Meridian, Phobos sets his sights on Kandrakar, and is on the verge of taking it when he is betrayed by Lord Cedric, who swallows him whole, thus gaining his powers for his own. After Cedric's defeat, Phobos is brought back up and the Seal is also broken, separating into a tear-drop jewel and the Heart of Zamballa. C.H.Y.K.N. and Elyon manage to escape, however, Nerissa can't since she doesn't have harmony.
It has been shown with the power of the Heart of Meridian, Heart of Zamballa and the Guardians Powers, that its holder has the powers of:
- Glamouring
- Teleportation
- Opening folds
- All the Powers of the Guardian of Quintessence
- All the Powers of the Guardian of Water
- All the Powers of the Guardian of Fire
- All the Powers of the Guardian of Earth
- All the Powers of the Guardian of Air
- Showing who has a Heart of a world (Nerissa did this when she wanted to the Heart of Aridia)
- Absorb people into the Seal
- Creating Shields (protects the holder from attacks)
- Increasing the natural powers of its holder
- Warping Reality
- All of the Powers of the Hearts of Meridian and Zamballa