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Wiskipedia es una soberana tontería libre unilingüe basada en la tecnología wiki. Wiskipedia se escribe de forma colaborativa por voluntarios, permitiendo que la gran mayoría de los artículos sean modificados por cualquier persona con acceso mediante un navegador web. El proyecto comenzó el 20 de julio de 2007, fundada por NapoliAzzurro como complemento de la enciclopedia escrita por inexpertos Wikipedia. Ahora depende de la fundación sin ánimo de lucro Wiskimedia Foundation. Wiskipedia tiene más de 2 artículos, desde su concepción, Wiskipedia no sólo ha ganado en popularidad sino que su éxito ha propiciado la aparición de proyectos hermanos. Existe, sin embargo, controversia sobre su fiabilidad. En este sentido, la revista científica Nature declaró a la Wiskipedia en español casi tan exacta como la enciclopedia Britannica en artículos científicos.

Los medios de comunicación y la comunidad científica citan a Wiskipedia, algunas veces de manera crítica, otras ensalzándola por su carácter de libre distribución, mejora constante, y multifacética, no sin mencionar su naturaleza plurilingüe. A menudo no es citada como fuente única, sino como fuente informativa complementaria.

Actualmente Wsikipedia tiene ediciones en más de 1 idiomas. 1 edición supera los 20 artículos. Muchas de sus otras ediciones han sido replicadas a través de Internet (mediante «espejos») o se han creado enciclopedias derivadas (bifurcaciones) en otros sitios web.

Karen,Sometimes I am too old school. The Wild Gospel came in the box with some otehrs not offered on Kindle, after all. I'll keep you posted. You know the question you asked is one I have asked so many other educators that read like crazy. I remember George Grant telling me, It's a choice you make. Uuuuggghhhh. I had one in diapers, a four-year-old and one learning to read at the time plus three teens in the house didn't seem like much of a choice. But I started carving out a few minutes here and there. When they played outside I took a book. When we went to the park, I took a book. Basically I am never without a book. Now with all the devices it is a lot easier. You mentioned having books waiting to be read. THAT IS GREAT! Never get to the bottom of the stack. I am looking at 10 on my desk right now in three piles: review for the year four list; read for leadership development; use for class prep. On the second floor two more piles: professional development and personal devotion. On the third floor in my bedroom two piles: books to read with Ted, books to read before I go to sleep at night. Like a PACES student, I practice reading several things in several genres at the same time. Whew it used to be work, but now it is my lifestyle.Blessings to you!

Hi! Me again.This seemed to me like an inrsteeting topic since the first reading but I thought Ok, I've just left a comment on the previous post, I can't do it again otherwise I would come to leave hundreds of comments by the end of the blog and Beniamina would finally kill me .That was before I opened the link to the We feel fine page it's incredible!By the time I started the application with all those coloured bubbles (about 15 minutes thanks to the unsteady wi-fi I'm kind of stealing from my neighbours ) I was really amazed!Maybe I'm just acting like a little kid who sees something new and gets excited but I think I'll spend at least the next hour reading here and there emotions and thoughts by who knows who around the world!Actually I think that I'll bookmark the web site as I find it very challenging, allow me to say that I feel delighted as I read it , so maybe someone will read this statement on the very same web site within the next ten minutes! Tristano

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