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The number of homes sold for more than �2m - now subject to a higher stamp duty rate - fell at the end of last year, new figures show.
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There were 103 �2m-plus homes sold in December in England and Wales - an 18% drop from the same month a year earlier, the Land Registry said.
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Of these, 80 were sold in London, where prices have been rising the fastest.
The sales came before Chancellor George Osborne introduced a new 7% stamp duty rate in Wednesday's Budget.
There are various rates of stamp duty land tax - paid by the buyer of a property - already in place, depending on the cost of the home.
The chancellor said that those who bought the most expensive homes should contribute more. This will mean the buyer of a home at a cost of more than �2m must pay at least �140,000 in stamp duty.
The Treasury expects the measure to raise �150m in the next financial year, rising to �300m by 2016-17.
First-time buyers
The Land Registry provides the latest accurate data on the sales of homes at certain price bands.
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Current stamp duty thresholds
    * 1%: Properties of �125,000 to �250,000, but first-time buyers are exempt until 24 March
    * 3%: �250,000 to �500,000
    * 4%: More than �500,000
    * 5%: More than �1m, residential property only
    * 7%: More than �2m, residential property only
In December, the biggest proportion of homes were sold for between �100,000 and �150,000, with a total of 14,385 sold.
Any first-time buyers who bought homes at this price would have been exempt from stamp duty at the time.
However, from Saturday, all buyers of homes sold for more than �125,000 will have to pay stamp duty because this exemption is coming to an end after two years. Mr Osborne said it had been "ineffective" in increasing first-time buyer numbers.
In the Budget, the chancellor also announced that the level of stamp duty on residential properties over �2m which were bought via a company would increase to 15% with immediate effect.
In addition, overseas companies that already own UK residential property worth more than �2m will be subject to capital gains tax from April 2013.
Overall, the Land Registry said house prices in England and Wales rose by 0.1% in February compared with the previous month.
However, prices were down 0.6% compared with February 2010. The average home cost �161,588.
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== 障害の詳しい経緯が分かった ==
4月8日19時11分に発生した航空路レーダー情報処理システム(RDP)障害の詳しい経緯が分かった,ugg ブーツ 通販。RDPの運用に必要な「飛行計画情報」に、異常なデータがあったためにシステムがダウンした,ugg ブーツ。飛行計画情報とは、便名や行き先、飛行経路などのデータを航空機ごとにまとめたもののことだ国土交通省によれば、「異常なデータが加わった原因がソフトのバグであることは間違いないが、どのプログラムによるものかはまだ特定できていない」という,アグ ムートンブーツ。<br><br>すべての女性の要望を叶える最良のブーツがZEUDI LACESです,アグ 販売。女性がオートバイに乗った時に一番不安に感じるのは、足が地面につきにくいことでしょう。その不安を解消すべくヒール部を高くしています,ugg ブーツ。人気音楽ユニットmihimaru GTのHIROKOが2月5日都内にて、mihimaru GTオフィシャルモバイルファンクラブ「mihimaLIST」主催のファンクラブイベント「ヒロコの部屋」を開催。招待された女性ファン達と、赤裸々なガールズトークを繰り広げた今回のトークイベントは、3月9日にリリースするHIROKOのソロ第2弾シングル「最後の恋」を記念したもの。女性ファンだけを集めた”女子会”は、HIROKOにとって初の試みだキャンドルで彩られたラグジュアリーな会場には、美意識の高い女性が全国から集まった訪れたファンにはTHEODOR(テオドー)の紅茶とGLAMOURDISE(グラモウディーズ)のマカロンがふるまわれ、そのまろやかな香りが 会場を包んでいたこの日ファンの前に現れたHIROKOは、レースのパワーショルダーワンピースにキャメルのショートブーツを合わせたガーリーな着こなし彼女は会場に集まった女性を見つめながら「女の子がたくさん来てくれて嬉しいです,アグ ブーツ 通販。

Current revision as of 10:51, 23 July 2015

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