List of Wild Bison Herds

From Wildbison

Revision as of 04:54, 4 August 2006 by (Talk)

Note: None of the herds listed below could be called free-roaming, as various management techniches are employed to restrict the herd numbers and movement. Herds on this 'Wild Bison' list are those whose diets are not artifically supplemented by humans.


Yellowstone National Park- Wyoming, Montana and Idaho

Grand Teton National Park- Wyoming

Wind Cave National Park - South Dakota

Badlands National Park - South Dakota

Sandsage Bison Range and Wildlife Area - Kansas

Big Basin Preserve - Kansas

Maxwell Wildlife Refuge - Kansas

Delta Junction Bison Range - Alaska

National Bison Range - Montana

Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge - Oklahoma

Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge - Iowa

Antelope Island State Park - Utah

Henry Mountain BLM - Utah

Teddy Roosevelt National Park - North Dakota

Fort Niobara National Wildlife Refuge - Nebraska

Tall-Grass Prairie Preserve - Oklahoma

House Rock WMA - Arizona

Raymond WMA - Arizona

Blue Mounds State Park - Minnesota

Cross Ranch Reserve - North Dakota

Samual H. Ordway Preserve - South Dakota


Wood Buffalo National Park - Alberta and NWT

Grasslands National Park - Saskatchewan

Prince Albert National Park - Saskatchewan

Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range - Sakatchewan

McKenzie Bison Sanctuary - NWT

Hay-Zama Herd - Alberta

Nahanni Herd - NWT

Pink Mountain Herd - BC

Liard Herd - BC

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