Brave it in ShadowClan territory.

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As silently as you can, you enter the pine trees. The scent of them engulfs you, and for a moment you ponder on how ShadowClan cats can stand to intense smell. However, you know that you'll never find your way home like this, so you move onward. Luckily, the trek is easy since most of the ground in flat and covered in needles. You crinkle your nose and try to drive out the scent of the pine trees, but it doesn't help much. Not being able to smell things, you almost walk straight into ShadowClan camp! You hault in your tracks, your eyes wide. From here, you cannot see any ShadowClan cats, but you know they must be around here somewhere.

Consider going to the ShadowClan cats for help on how to get home.

Race away as fast as you possibly can!

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