Ben 10 Theme Song

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This is the lyrics for the Ben 10 theme song.

Theme Song Lyrics:

It started when an alien device did what it did

And stuck itself upon his wrist with secrets that it hid

Now he's got super powers, he's no ordinary kid

He's Ben 10!

(Ben 10!)

(Ben 10!)

So if you see him you might be in for a big surprise

He'll turn into an alien before your very eyes

He's slimy, creepy, fast, and strong, he's every shape and size

He's Ben 10!

(Ben 10!)

(Ben 10!)

With all new powers, he's on the case

Fighting off evil from earth or space

He'll never stop till he makes them pay

'Cause he's the baddest kid to ever save the day

He's Ben 10!

{This song is written by Andy Sturmer and is performed by Moxy.}

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