List of Secondary Characters

From Wikitrix

Revision as of 16:43, 3 August 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

This is a list of all secondary characters who are not actually defined as villains.

Semi-Important Secondary Characters

- Abel North

- Andy and Mandy

- Aunt Vera

- Captain Shaw

- Donovan Grand Smith

- Edwin Grand Smith

- Hecto - The Fountain Guardian

- The Galactic Enforcers

- Gilbert

- Hoverboard

- Ishiyama

- Kai Green

- Krakken

- Lt. Steel

- Technorg

- Wes Green

- Xylene

Not Important Secondary Characters

- Ah Puch

- Councilwoman Liang

- Super Alien Hero Buddies

- Howell Wayneright

- Joan Maplewood

- JT and Cash

- Mayor of Sparksville

- Mr. Jingles

- The President of the United States

- Tiffany

- Todd Maplewood

- Tim Dean

- Vance Vetteroy

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