Alexandre Koriakine

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Alexandre Koriakine lives in Russia and is the co-founder of WikiMapia.

Koriakine graduated from Plekhanov Academy of Economics in 1998 and then studied French language and culture at the University of Lyon (Université Lumière, Lyon 2).

In 1986 Koriakine became a member of the Young Pioneer organization, and in 1988 he was expelled from it because of anti-communist expressions.

In November 1997 Koriakine became one of the founders of the Plekhanov Academy student organisation (Studsovet).

In April 2001 Koriakine created a site for the local city community of a small scientific city, Troitsk, Moscow Oblast. In a few years this site became one of the top-twenty Russian city portals.

According to Wikipedia, Koriakine is currently a Russian cartographer. [1]


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