Zack Morris

From Wikistar

Revision as of 16:09, 19 February 2008 by CelestinaStar (Talk | contribs)

Name: Zack Morris
Age: 18
Player: Cel
Virtue: Faith (in himself, of course)
Vice: Pride
Concept: Bayside Preppie

Intelligence: 2
Wits: 3
Resolve: 2

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Stamina: 2

Presence: 3
Manipulation: 3
Composure: 2

Academics: 2
Investigation: 1
Politics: 3 (high school)

Drive: 1
Larceny: 1 (picking locks)
Stealth: 2

Persuasion: 2
Socialize: 1 (social butterfly)
Streetwise: 1
Subterfuge: 3

Striking Looks: 2
Mentor: Mr. Belding: 2
Fame: Bayside High: 1
Status: Popular: 2
Retainer: School Crew: 5

FLAWS Narcissism

Size: 5
Speed: 9
Defense: 2
Init Mod: 4
Health: 7
Willpower: 4
Morality: 7

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