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Revision as of 19:27, 6 April 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
“A place to post and look up scores”

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THis is Wikiscore

What Wikiscore is Wikiscore is a wiki for sports fans to post and look up scores. Also it can have information about sports teams and players. Every single sports game, recorded on a article will always stay on wikiscore

What Wikiscore is not

  • Wikiscore is not a place for things that don't have to do with sports
  • Wikiscore is not the place for personal opinions or views even if one team is better than another, let the stats speak for themselves.
  • Wikiscore doesn't just talk about current games, it could also talk about historic games.
  • Wikiscore is not the place for predictions. A game must be in play or already played by the time it's a article

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