Wikirhyme talk:General disclaimer

From Wikirhyme

Revision as of 19:14, 20 April 2013 by (Talk)
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Yes its a crazy mad time to be alive. Financial meltdown is inlebtaive. I agree that this world as we know/knew it is over already and new, better ways of living should be implemented. But what. Mugabe made the mistake of not having a better system to replace the old colonial ways.Anarchy that's what! But How? Most people that I talk to are not even interested in any kind of change from their comfort zones this goes for billionaires to homeless people. They know its (whatever that is) coming but will only actively involve themselves if it kills them first or some great fear drives them to it. (Machiavelli's observations.). So how to communicate with them??? Blow stuff up??I look forward to hearing your response. And detailed vision.

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