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Wednesday, 11 May 2011Masculism vs Feminism 

I saw this article on and it made me realise something quite important about the distinctions being made, and what I think we need to do.

Here is an excerpt from the original article by Pelle Billing:

Feminism is a well established movement that’s been around for more than 200 years; perhaps the starting point can be said to be when Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman in 1792. Masculism (a k a men’s rights activism), on the other hand, has been around for a few decades at best, while only gaining some traction in the 2000s. Apart from the fact that feminism is a movement which is much older and stronger than masculism, is it possible to compare these two movements, and can men’s rights activists (MRAs), learn something from feminism’s strategies and theories?

First of all, what does feminism contain, what are its different components? The way I see it, the major components are:

A desire to work with women’s issues A political conviction that women as a group are oppressed by men as a group, and therefore need to be liberated Performing the same kind of overview of masculism, yields these results:

A desire to work with men’s issues A political conviction that feminism does not fit with the facts, and needlessly vilifies men The key difference here is that feminism paints men as a group as a problem in society, while MRAs paint feminism as a theory (and its vocal proponents) as a problem in society. As I see it, it is crucial for any and all masculists around the world to keep differentiating between feminism and women, since it is only as long as masculism takes a step into the future and learns from the past mistakes of feminism that it can reasonably be said to take the moral high ground in the discussion on gender issues.

Now, my main problem with this article is that it seems to pit MRAs and feminists as the opposite ends of the spectrum. Quite ironically because the article's intention is quite the opposite. Is a masculist the same thing as an MRA? I would argue that it isn't, nor should it be.

If we are to have balance I think the picture should look more like this:

Feminism = female supremacist group that believes women are superior to men and should be in control of society.

Masculism = male supremacist group that believes men are superior to women and should be in control of society.

See how the two are both extremes of the spectrum? The difference is that feminism has, like Mr Billing says, been around for over 200 years and masculism barely exists at all. MRAs do not believe such things. They simply, as MR Billing also says, oppose feminism. This doesn't, however, make them the opposite of feminism. There are many people that oppose feminism, that doesn't make them masculists.

I often read rubbish that tries to characterise MRAs as extremists that are akin to radical feminists. This simply isn't true and is very detrimental to the MRM. Most MRAs aren't male supremacists and simply call for 'equality', without the underlying ideology that men are better or deserve more. Society, and moreover this insane politically correct environment we live in, has this habit of trying to find the middle ground to make things as fair as possible. Like this:

Do you not think this is true? Feminism has been allowed to go so far because of this exact reason, and it's lack of meaningful opposition. See, defining MRAs as the antithesis of feminists shifts this middle ground closer to the feminists. Like this:

What desperately needs to happen is for there to be a real masculist movement. I've written before about ifeminists, and I think they are far closer to MRAs and where the line should be that many people may assume. I think if we did have a real masculist polarity then the picture would look a lot more like this:

See what I'm getting at? MRAs are not masculists, because they don't believe men are superior, like ifeminists are not feminists because they believe in equal rights for men. This is just about the fairest way of resolving the whole gender issue, IMO.

So, what exactly is masculism, if not MRAs? I would say look up The Manhood Academy. Posted by elloboblanco at 08:51 2 comments Email This

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Feminism is Obsolete Why does feminism even exist anymore? Honestly think about that for a second.

Read any feminist literature and what they complain about boils down to pretty much 3 things:

1. Men earn more

2. Men commit domestic violence and rape

3. Women are under represented at the top level of society because of 'discrimination' or 'oppression'

All of these things are easily, and have been repeatedly rebuked. Watch how easy it is!

1. Read 'Why Men Earn More' by Warren Farrell. Or watch the youtube video.

2. Read most domestic violence is reciprocal, and the home office stats about rape. Then watch Paul Elam's film 'Domestic Violence: women are half the problem'.

3. Watch manwomanmyth's film about 'the glass ceiling' or read this article on The Spearhead

That's right, now they only exist to attack men. That's it! Posted by elloboblanco at 06:32 0 comments Email This

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Anti-Male Shaming Tactics in the Media If you haven't read the catalogue of male shaming tactics then I suggest you run your evil ass over there sharpish. It certainly helps when dealing with feminists or manginas. If you have any doubts that these tactics are actually employed, large scale, then I'm going to quickly prove it to you now!

Here is one example on fox news of the charges of irascibility and instability. In fact, it is not a big problem to buy custom essay when you do not have time to complete complex writing tasks. The interview is with top lawyer Roy Den Hollander about feminism at his old university.

Notice Neil Cavuto saying "You have issues don't you" and "Roy, you're angry. You're very angry". As if sticking up for men means any of those things. Cavuto you are an emasculated, pussy whipped mangina. And you know it!

This feminist reactionary article about Tory MP Dominic Raab's critique of feminism also uses two charges to shame Mr Raab. The charges of puerility and hypersensitivity. Notice the name of the article doesn't even try to hide the shaming egenda, 'English Tory MP Throws his toys out of the pram', then goes on to describe his excellent article about feminist bigotry as 'a bit of a strop'. Labour MP Nia Griffith then went on record to tell Mr Raab 'to get real and stop being so self-pitying'! Classic example of the charges of fanaticism and hypersensitivity.

Notice how these charges often come in multiples.

Read this article in reaction to Tory councillor James Williams' critique of sexist 'go' orders. The charming writer swiftly utilizes the charge of misogyny. Calling him and manwomanmyth 'misogynists' and also stating that he 'has a bug up his arse'.

Beware that if you take issue with feminists or their rants, these tactics WILL be used against you. Memorise the catalogue and be prepared, this MRA business can be tough and you will face opposition. Fortunately the people who oppose you are very easily disposed of if you don't accept this nonsense, which they all employ. If you be vigilant they will expose themselves as hysterical bigots... you don't even need to try! Posted by elloboblanco at 06:05 0 comments Email This

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