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Design Document: Outbound Excavation
Universal Laey General: Most planar powers come from intelligent or smei-intellegent planar creatures, who come from otherplanes which operate on physical properties unlike our universe. They are called to our world, then returned when their task is complete. They gain power for accomplishing their tasks, as well as by aging. They are reverse-mortal in that they do not fade with old age, but gain with it. Irregular: Some groups of Planar powers were changed or altered in some way, and they form different groups with different intentions, both in and out of the normal Universe. Universal Setting Built upon the remnants of a past race, the Universe is made up o f several worlds, which are connected. World Setting Outbound is a wasteland world, only recently gaining interest for it’s abundant resources in Outbound Excavation. Time Setting Outbound Excavation takes place only a few years after the Planar depression ended, and otherworlds were discovered. This new era of discovery and prosperity allows for the old planar uses to once again dominate, and the tech level cap off at a certain level. The new planar uses are now being discovered rapidly and frequently. Government Setting Nemia is the dominant force in Outbound Excavation. They own 60% of Outbound City, making them the largest and most influential owners in the excavation. Both Nemia and Gov2 have an (official) small cryptic department to analyze the old writing and try to break the code. There are other groups who also seek this with less ‘legal’ (underground) cryptic departments. As of now, the excavation takes far more precedence over the archaeology and danari. Economic Setting All other countries and independent groups are allowed to do as they please in the mines, and most countries, and some large organizations hold some ownership of Outbound. Outbound (world) is a wasteland nearly everywhere else, and a significant portion of it contains extremely old ruins. There are a few scattered danari deserts utilized, and artifact hunting is also a minor area of interest. Artifact hunting is usually by small or medium independent groups, and rarely do large corporations or governments fund archeological expeditions, unless something of the ruins could be utilized (of which none has been found).
Economic Setting – The Excavation All manner of people from most nations participate in digs from one-man ventures, to megacorperation unearthing. This is a free financial and economic system, because this area is so vibrant with possibility and wealth that it generates economics that cannot be regulated by one government alone.
1. Groups of Power
a. Master i. Human 1. Governments a. Nemia b. Gov2 c. Gov3 d. Gov4 e. Gov5 f. Gov6 2. Organizations a. DiamondEye b. Grp2 c. Grp3 d. Grp4 e. Grp5 f. Grp6 g. Grp7 ii. Khamsa iii. Planar iv. Lesser Races b. Planar c. Extra
2. Locations
a. Master i. Worlds ii. Cities iii. POI b. Planar c. Extra