Universal Law
From Wikinemia
The Foundation Rules
The Universe is built on the concept of ‘planes’ or other alternate universes. There is a MasterPlane which rules over the OtherPlanes by nature. The OtherPlanes are not connected to each other normally, but usually overlap each other. However, in certain parts of space, there are large irregularities that are torn open, which extend through two or more planes in long shredded pieces.
There are an unknown amount of planes. Some are not connected by these Rifts, and cannot be accessed by any other plane. Those that are connected can have free travel between planes where they are connected by Rifts. (Rules of travel later).
The only big law, is when there is a connection between the MasterPlane and any OtherPlane. It is generally a one way trip, because the OtherThings can be brought to the Master, but only the laws of the MasterPlane can send them back.
i. The Masters can call or summon OtherThings to do their bidding. ii. Once accomplished, the OtherThings have a right to return. iii. In exchange for their service, the OtherThings gain power and hierarchal stature when sent back. iv. Once an OtherThing reaches a certain degree of power, it can resist the call of the Master, and even ignore it. (Thus becoming a FreeCreature)
The Master Plane
The Masters live in a world that gives them capabilities beyond their time. There are Artifacts from a long gone people scattered all over the worlds. The most important ones are the methods of travel they left behind: Tracers and Hubs.
Tracers are invisible lines or fractures cut into space that run across the skies of most worlds. In places where a ton of Tracers meet, occasionally there are large Hubs that visibly lead nowhere.
Hubs come in two varieties; Rifts and Pools.
Rifts are used to bring in creatures and powers from OtherPlanes. They are rare, because they sit on top of the PlanarRifts which connect the planes.
Pools are much more common, and instead of providing resources, like Rifts, they allow ‘pooling’ of resources inside them to create something better. They are usually small, but a select few of them are large enough to become Gates.
Gates allow transport between worlds in the same plane. The Masters do have the technology level to travel in space, but Gates make space travel useless. Gates move you between worlds within seconds. There is no space travel.
World is just another term for planet.