Wikihood 2/chars/Sader
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Revision as of 04:50, 9 March 2012 by (Talk)
qnqxPb Muchos Gracias for your article post.Really looking forward to read more. Much obliged.
Strong Sader dies on several occasions, each time he is revived by a program inserted for such an event. Whether someone is manipulating the simulation and killing him, or just being an extreme case of bad luck is uncertain, but whatever the case, he is prone to death. Below is a list of these occasions.
- It isn't safe to turn your computer off now - Pushed off a cliff to test the stability of the simulation coding.
- Downtime'D - Crushed when Strong Bad's ceiling caves in.
- Homestar: Portrait of an Idiot - Explodes as a result of the glitches.
- Fragmented Combination - Explodes as his file rips in half.
- Crime Time - Explodes after being infected with a fart virus.
- Evil is the Sweetest Candy - Liquidated by Bubs' Melteriser gun.
- Trap'D! - Sucked into a ventilator shaft and ground up by a giant fan.