Samson AZA 2076

From Wikibbyo

Revision as of 14:22, 16 October 2017 by (Talk)



  • Insert History*


F/W 2017-2018

  • Godol: Noah Shore
  • S'gan: Zach Chylla
  • Moreh: Harrison Rich
  • Shaliach: Gabe "Goosie" Stern
  • Mazkirim: Matt Cohen and Anthony Prestin
  • Gizborim: Max Feinleib and Liam Wasserman
  • Sopher: Lincoln Luzar
  • Kohen Godol: Spencer Hendlin
  • Kohen Kohen Godol: Cyrus Young

Year Term: 2016-17

  • Godol: Spencer Hendlin
  • S'gan: Cyrus Young
  • Moreh: Noah Shore
  • Shaliach: Ryan Muencz
  • Mazkirim: Zach Chylla and Lincoln Luzar
  • Gizbor: Parker Gill
  • Sopher: Gabe "Goosie" Stern
  • Kohen Godol: Cyrus Young

S/S 2016

  • Godol: Cyrus Young
  • S'gan: Spencer Hendlin
  • Moreh: Noah Shore
  • Shaliach: Matt Rosenthal
  • Mazkir: Zach Chylla
  • Gizbor: Parker Gill
  • Sopherim: Josh Anthony and Jackson Leb
  • Kohen Godol: Kyle Goodman

F/W 2015-16

  • Godol: Kyle Goodman
  • S'gan: Matt Rosenthal
  • Moreh: Max Alter
  • Shaliach: Cyrus Young
  • Mazkir: Spencer Hendlin
  • Gizborim: Jacob Pilloff and David "Moose" Gostomelsky
  • Sopherim: Noah Sussman and Doug Rich
  • Kohen Godol: David Fleisher

S/S 2015

  • Godol: David Fleischer
  • S'gan: Kyle Goodman
  • Moreh: Max Alter
  • Shaliach: Noah Shore
  • Mazkirim: Matt Rosenthal and Spencer Hendlin
  • Gizborim: Cyrus Young and Matthew Grunzweig
  • Sopherim: Ryan Muencz and Logan Goldberg
  • Kohen Godol: Doug Rich

F/W 2014-15

  • Godol: Doug Rich
  • S'gan: Jarrett Freeman
  • Moreh: David Fleischer
  • Shaliach: Max Alter
  • Mazkir: Kyle Goodman and Josh Schneider
  • Gizbor: Matt Rosenthal and Jacob Pilloff
  • Sopher: Spencer Hendlin and Sam Cooper
  • Social Chair: Cyrus Young
  • Kohen Godol: Jarrett Freeman
  • Kohen Kohen Godol: Brian Margolis

S/S 2014

  • Godol: Jarrett Freeman
  • S'gan: Doug Rich
  • Moreh: David Fleischer
  • Shaliach: Max Alter
  • Mazkir: Cyrus Young and Noah Weisblat
  • Gizbor: Kyle Goodman
  • Sopher: Sam Cooper

F/W 2013-14

  • Godol: Brian Margolis
  • S'gan: Noah Sussman
  • Moreh: Jarrett Freeman
  • Shaliach: Ryan Willen
  • Mazkir: David Fleischer
  • Gizbor: Doug Rich
  • Sopher: Noah Weisblat
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