Philadelphia Region

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Revision as of 05:28, 2 February 2008 by (Talk)

Philadelphia Region #32 home of Taz and the Philly Knot incorporates the Greater Philadelphia metropolitan area. The 2007-2008 Regional Board is

AZA: Godol - Tyler Harris S'gan - Jared Goldfarb Moreh - Guy Katz Mazkir - Kevin Parfitt


N'siah - Lauren Vasserman S'ganit - Paige Glassman Morah - Samantha Kapenstein Sh'licha - Becca Jacob Mazkirah - Jessica Rose Gizborit - Carly Sokoloff

There are 4 AZA Chapters and 6 BBG Chapters and they are as follows

AZA: Acheem AZA #2055 Bar Simson AZA #2358 Delco AZA #0294 Stevenson AZA #2145

BBG: Chalom BBG #335 Chaverot BBG #2483 Emmet V’Shalom (E.V.S.) BBG #1635 Leviticeem BBG #1974 Sabra BBG #275 Kisan BBG #3141

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