AZA is for Me

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AZA is for Me

(to the tune of "Cats in the Cradle")

I joined AZA just the other night

I went to a meeting what a beautiful sight

So many guys, their eyes so bright

They glowed with a fraternal light

And at the closing prayer it occurred to me

AZA is for me, Aleph Zadik Alephs for me.


And the AIT and the senior too

Aleph Zadik Alephs' fpr me and for you

Long after our careers have come to an end

You will be my friend, yeah

You'll always be my friend.

I ran for S'gan just the other day

I won my post in the usual way

I gave my hard and hard play

And my devotion come what may

And when the Godol announced my name

My opponent shook my hand just the same,

He shook my hand just the same.


I delivered my state just a while ago

I hoped my brotherly caring would show

I told my friends that I loved them so,

My four years were great but now I know

That AZA is the start

Still it's so hard to part,

You'll forever have a place in my heart


I've been out of AZA for a year or two

Been busy with college-I've got lots to do

But now and then when my homework's through

I'll call up and Aleph, a good friend like you

And talk about the four years of memories

The laughter, the loving, the fraternity

Above all fraternity


By Ephron Rosenwig

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