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From Wiki Of Babes
Zoho has many good attributes; it alowls students to use a program similar to that of Microsoft Word. Zoho is free and because of this it does not include the professionalism that Microsoft Word incorporates, but many options are available if you wish to utilized these tools. Zoho would greatly benefit a class because it does not require students to purchase programs for assignments that would be completed at home. Unfortunately, Zoho does not include many features on their program because it is meant to serve as a basic writing document. Another favorable characteristic of Zoho is that it is very easy to navigate and find what you are looking for. Although I prefer Microsoft Word, I think Zoho would greatly impact a class because it gives students easy access and understanding to an online typing resource that alowls blogging and group work. This would help students tremendously in a class because it would allow the teacher to broaden the types of assignments given to students.