White and Nerd42

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Revision as of 16:54, 23 July 2009 by Nerd42 (Talk | contribs)

White & Nerd42 is the name of DJ Nerd42's versions of Weird Al Yankovic's "White & Nerdy".




01 White & Nerd42 (Version 2)

The original version mashed it up with Linkin Park's "Session" and can be heard on cOOLdISC_aFTERmATH. However, this version had several sound quality issues that were resolved in the Version 2 mix.

02 There They're Nerdy

"There They're Nerdy" is a DJ Nerd42 mashup of Weird Al Yankovic's "White & Nerdy" vs Fort Minor's "There They Go".

Old download links to just this track

03 White & Nerd42 (Pentiums Mix)

This new version mashes up Weird Al's "White & Nerdy" with instrumental samples from Weird Al's "It's All About the Pentiums".

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