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Could everyone put a little something about themselves on their Userpage, for the sake of sociability?

Your moma

From Whickerpedia

Revision as of 19:49, 5 June 2007 by (Talk)

Your Momma is so,... is so,.....IS SO F...NO....oh f*ck

"Fat, your momma is so" -Yoda on your mother

"Your momma is sooo nice!"

-Bill Cosby on your mother

Yo mama's so clumsy she got tangled up in a cordless phone!

Yo mama's arms are so short, she has to tilt her head to scratch her ear!

Yo mama's mouth so big, she speaks in surround sound!

Yo mama's teeth are so yellow she spits butter!

Yo mama's so skinny she turned sideways and disappeared!

Yo mama's so short she does backflips under the bed!

Yo mama's so short you can see her feet on her drivers licence!

Yo mama's so poor she can't afford to pay attention!

Yo mama's so bald that she took a shower and got brain-washed!

Yo mama's so greasy companies buy their Oil from her!

Yo mama's so flat she's jealous of the wall!

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