Special characters

From Wcd

Revision as of 15:32, 16 September 2008 by (Talk)

If you need to insert special characters, do not use your normal keyboard characters; they will appear in gibberish for users who don't have the same language installed.

Here are the codes you should use instead of the letter you want to put:

Keep in mind that you must remove the extra space between the &, the words and the ;

É = & Eacute ;

é = & eacute ;

Á = & Aacute ;

á = & aacute ;

same system for other characters: I i O o U u Y y

Example: "Touré" = "Tour& eacute ;"

È = & Egrave ;

è = & egrave ;

À = & Agrave ;

à = & agrave ;

same system for other characters: I i O o U u

 = & Acirc ;

â = & acirc ;

same system for other characters: E e I i O o U u

Š = & Scaron ;

š = & scaron ;

system for other characters: unknown / not yet tested

à = & Atilde ;

ã = & atilde ;

same system for other characters: O o N n

Ç = & Ccedil ;

ç = & ccedil ;

Å = & Aring ;

å = & aring ;

Æ = & AElig ;

æ = & aelig ;

Œ = & OElig ;

œ = & oelig ;

Ü = & Uuml ;

ü = & uuml ;

Ä = & Auml ;

ä = & auml ;

same system for O, o, E, e, I, i, Y, y

example for ë = & euml ;

A few other characters:

€ = & euro ;

¢ = & cent ;

£ = & pound ;

§ = & sect ;

© = & copy ;

Ø = & Oslash ;

® = & reg ;

• = & #8226 ;

Here is a list of all these characters and more: http://de.selfhtml.org/html/referenz/zeichen.htm

Note: I couldn't find the codes for Slavic characters. If someone knows how to properly include them, please add info in this page.

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