Special characters

From Wcd

Revision as of 16:43, 11 September 2008 by (Talk)

If you need to insert special characters, do not use your normal keyboard characters; they will appear in gibberish for users who don't have the same language installed.

Here are the codes you should use instead of the letter you want to put (see coloured characters to understand):

Keep in mind that you must remove the extra space between the &, the words and the ;

É = & Eacute ;

é = & eacute ;

Á = & Aacute ;

á = & aacute ;

same system for other characters: I i O o U u Y y Example: "Touré" = "Tour& eacute ;"

È = & Egrave ;

è¨ = & egrave ;

À = & Agrave ;

à = & agrave ;

same system for other characters: I i O o U u

 = & Acirc ;

same system for other characters: a E e I i O o U u

à = & Atilde ;

same system for other characters: a O o N n

Ç = & Ccedil ;

ç = & ccedil ;

Å = & Aring ;

å = & aring ;

Æ = & AElig ;

æ = & aelig ;

Ü = & Uuml ;

ü = & uuml ;

same system for a, A, o, O, e E i I, - example for ë = & euml ;

A few other characters:

€ = & euro ;

¢ = & cent ;

£ = & pound ;

§ = & sect ;

© = & copy ;

Ø = & Oslash ;

® = & reg ;

Here is a list of all these characters and more: http://de.selfhtml.org/html/referenz/zeichen.htm

Note: I couldn't find the codes for Slavic characters. If someone knows how to properly include them, please add info in this page.

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