Ryktari Vengeance Blades

From War Thread

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The Ryktar were an ancient warrior species, who, by some fluke of politics, managed to progress far beyond the standard state of collapse that most violent species reached. Blades such as these were highly ritualised items, used for settling grudges in armed combat, with the victor being determined in the right. As such, they were highly-prized relics, and the upmost care was taken in their forging and use. The Blades are always made to the design of the Kshyntgar, a small flightless bird with such incredible speed and agility that it could take down foes up to ten times its size. The story behind these particular Blades is a long and terrible one. As the civilisation that forged the blades reached its peak, with a unified empire spanning their entire galaxy, they became aware of universes other than their own, and began finding ways of communicating with and travelling to those universes. Eventually creating a transteleportation system, they opened a portal to the other universe, near the main planet of another civilisation, one much more technically advanced. By sheer misfortune, the portal they opened happened to coincide with the location of the main reactor of the alien navy's flagship , and the disruption caused the fuel and weapons systems to explode, cleansing their homeworld of all life. In retaliation, they created thousands of portals and sent ships through, beginning the process of exterminating the Ryktar. Though they fought back viciously, the invaders still held the upper hand, and, within years, had forced the entire species back to their origin system. Realising that they would be no more and that their civilisation was indeed lost forever, the best and brightest of the Ryktar began constructing a means of avenging their inevitable extinction. They forged a pair of blades from a rare element only existing on their homeworld, almost indestructible and with prodigious magical energy, and focused every minute shard of rage, anger and despair the thirty billion survivors had into the blades, turning them into a weapon of unlimited, if unpredictable, power. The final assault went ahead, and only one survivor was left by the time the ALmati walked on the surface of the world. People have got a right to choose the research writing services. There're a lot of custom writing services in the internet. So, it can be real to select most professional corporation among hundreds of scams! The survivor, taking the blades from the ashes of the Ryktari High Temple, infiltrated the enemy encampments, found his way to the command post, and, summoning all the rage of the entire Ryktari species, stabbed the ALmati general in the chest. the magic of the Blades became apparent, when, simultaneously, every single ALmati in that universe simply died. The effort, however, killed him. Since that day three hundred thousand Standard years ago, the Blades have been through countless owners of every moral standing possible. Eventually, tales of their destructive wrath led to the Evilsatan Dynasty hearing of them, which resulted in Oswald von Evilsatan being sent to retrieve them. From the Evilsatan Dynasty, they found their way to Katrina Milenkivan, their current owner.

Documented Powers

The Ryktari Vengeance Blades amplify, focus and feed off the strong emotions of the wielder, and with the inherent power of such things have tremendous potential indeed. At this point the Blades are known to inherently grant accelerated passive regeneration, hyperaccelerated targetted regeneration, quasi-immortality, accelerated and empowered movement and attacks, enhanced sensory input and mental operation and what can be described only as better luck. All other powers the Ryktari Vengeance Blades have are determined by the variables of the user, though the ability to throw them at tremendous velocity seems to be fairly constant. Most activated powers of the Blades require a blood sacrifice to empower the blades to the extent they can be used, and as such the greater the power the greater the sacrifice, though the impacts of this are lessened by the enhanced passive regeneration the Blades offer. The most destructive powers of the Blades more often than not end up killing the wielder of the Blades. Another thing known is that the inherent impossibility of many of the powers means that they are activatable on a non-user-controlled basis, to prevent the forming of reality flaws within their host universe.


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