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The color of emptiness. Black wind is the void. Often called Void because of it. Black is strange when compared to the other winds, as it doesn't actually improve upon something already there. Black usually involves manipulating space to form Anti gravity. Thus, it is, technically possible to fly using it. However, the amount of wind required would only limit to small flight, only about a few minutes max. However, floating or hovering, which doesn't require movement can last for quite a long time. Suspending things in air is also another use. Katabatists who tend to channel void or Black wind, are usually a little spontaneous as well, but they are easily capable of deep thought, without the burden of emotions
The color of emptiness. Black wind is the void. Often called Void because of it. Black is strange when compared to the other winds, as it doesn't actually improve upon something already there. Black usually involves manipulating space to form Anti gravity. Thus, it is, technically possible to fly using it. However, the amount of wind required would only limit to small flight, only about a few minutes max. However, floating or hovering, which doesn't require movement can last for quite a long time. Suspending things in air is also another use. The Black wind is also only visible to Foxkin Katabatists. No-one exactly knows why they are the only ones who can see it however. Katabatists who tend to channel void or Black wind, are usually a little spontaneous as well, but they are easily capable of deep thought, without the burden of emotions

Current revision as of 05:39, 18 October 2007

Katabaticy (also known as Wind or Foxkin Magic) is one of the oldest magics to develep on the post fall Earth. This magic is by it's very nature linked to the very Earth that Foxkin are joined to.


Foxkin Magic

The Foxkin employ a different kind of magic then the others do. Whereas Bastian, Gaian, and Yogamancy are passed down through a god, the Foxkin magic is tied in with the land itself. Unlike the other types of magic, Katabatic magic does not come from knowledge that a god provides. All the magic already exists over the land, it just takes someone who has been trained to see it to use it. The magic is split up into 5 different winds. All of which will be discussed below. Although, with the right training, anyone could, theoretically wield this magic. However, due to the connection that the Foxkin have with the land, they have intense knack for quickly being able to feel the flow of each wind, and how much is possible with each wind


The source of the winds is unknown. All that is known that they are generated from somewhere. It has an ebb and flow to it, but generally there's an even mix between all the colors of the wind. Another thing that is noticed is that if an area is drained of the wind, it will slowly regenerate itself over time. Usually taking several hours to days depending on the amount that was drained before it becomes replenished


As what was said before, the magic exists there, whether people see it or not. It takes training of body and soul to be able to see the winds and their flow. Although “seeing” is a relative term as it's more like the Katabatist feels the wind around him, sensing the ebb of the wind, and it's capacity. Now each person can only take in a certain amount of wind. However, by training your body and mind, you can increase this threshold. You are still, however limited by the amount of wind that is in the area.

The Colors of Katabaticy

As said before, Katabaticy is made up of 5 winds, each wind has a certain color associated with it. This allows you to distinguish between each wind which is which.


The color of emotion. Red wind is an amplifier. It is used to increase things or ideas. One example is to amplify the strength or speed of the body. This however comes with a price. The body was only built to handle so much strain to it. The more you amplify the aspect of the body, the more strain it puts on your body. There have been cases where bones have been broken, or muscles torn because of too much strain on the body. Katabatists who channel Red a lot usually tend to be more spontaneous in their actions


The color of pure thought. Blue wind is a manipulator. It's used to alter either a person's thoughts, ideas, or even possibly how they see things. A very common use for blue is one that has been dubbed the “Mind Trick”. Where the caster waves his hand, and speaks what he wants the person to think, and the person will wholeheartedly believe or agree what they said. There are however races that seem to be resistant to it. It also doesn't work on strong willed people. Katabatists who channel Blue wind a lot are usually calm, and calculating.


The color of soothing, or calmness. Green wind is healer. Generally used to heal a person's wounds. However, this does not mean that they can bring someone back to life with it. It is limited to actual living things, whereas it can be used to mend mechanical or man made objects, but the result will be that the material created to mend it will not nearly be as strong as the original However on living objects, it restores the lost or broken material back to before it was torn/broken/lost/whatever. The amount of Green wind put into it, the greater the wounds you can heal with it. Those who tend to channel Green more are compassionite and empathic when compared to most


The color of strength. White wind is a strengthener and defender. It can provide a defense by strengthening the air into a coherent shield, protecting. It can also be used to strengthen something. Not to be confused with amplify. Where amplify is limited by the subjects limits, strengthen basically restores the limits, or lets you increase the limits. The more wind put into it, the more it strengthens. Katabatists who tend to channel White wind are more docile than others


The color of emptiness. Black wind is the void. Often called Void because of it. Black is strange when compared to the other winds, as it doesn't actually improve upon something already there. Black usually involves manipulating space to form Anti gravity. Thus, it is, technically possible to fly using it. However, the amount of wind required would only limit to small flight, only about a few minutes max. However, floating or hovering, which doesn't require movement can last for quite a long time. Suspending things in air is also another use. The Black wind is also only visible to Foxkin Katabatists. No-one exactly knows why they are the only ones who can see it however. Katabatists who tend to channel void or Black wind, are usually a little spontaneous as well, but they are easily capable of deep thought, without the burden of emotions


When a Katabatist casts a spell, he has to be able to sense the winds in the area. Then he uses thought to pull at the wind he wishes to use, and takes it into his body. Upon finishing absorbing the amount of wind needed, he has to think about what he wants the spell to do, and conform the wind in his body, “molding” it if you will, and then releasing it. It is possible to lose control of the magic as he pulls it in and molds it. The effects of such a thing are random. Usually varying from a small effect, waste of wind as it dissipates and disappears, or even as bad as having the completely opposite effect. The more wind involved, the more control needed.


There is one thing that every Katabatist is taught right at the beginning of their training. The process of a spell works on connections. For instance, if someone pulls in Blue wind, and creates a diamond from water, only he would know the true process that would cause that, as such, the magic is almost unlimited in it's uses. As long as the caster understands the connection between the wind and what he wants, it will happen. The examples listed above are not limitations. The only limitation that a person has it the amount of wind he has to work with, and his own understanding of the wind


Whenever a Katabatist pull in the wind to their bodies, they can get affected by it. Wind is a strong force, whether magically or physically. And it can affect the personality of the person using it.


Most Katabatist magic is compatible with other magics. However, several winds seem to just not work with magic made from others. The caster of the other spell must be with the Katabatist as he casts the spell, allowing the Katabatist to infuse the wind's energy into the spell as it's cast. There is one common thing with each however. Black, or Void does not seem to be compatible with any other magic.


Due to the sacrifice needed to cast spells, one would think that Green would work quite well, however it doesn't seem to even effect a Bastian caster while he is casting. Several theories point to the fact that the sacrifice must be a true sacrifice. Red has been shown to give greatly amplify and even White has been known to enhance the effects quite well. Blue doesn't seem to have any affect as most of the effects of Bastian magic are directly counter productive to what it does


As one would expect from a nature based spell casting. Green wind works extraordinarily well with Gaian due to the similarity of effects. Red works decently well with it, Although not very due to Gaian magic not being very offensive. White works well with it to help enhance the effects of the spells. Blue having somewhat little to no effect when combined with Gaian.


Green, Although not helpful in the actual casting of the spell, can be used to help the person out of the uncomfortable positions Yogamancers get in. Red can be used to amplify the flexibilty of the body to help with complex maneuvers, however it can also be used to amplify the effect of the spell, White can strengthen the body, or give strength to the spell. Blue seems to work particularly well as it seems to help with the manipulability of the spell.


Green wind has shown to have no effect, besides having the ability to repair materials. Red showing that it can amplify a techs spirit will or ability, while White seems to have little effect beyond strengthening material. Blue actually showing that it helps with a Junkers ability to communicate and manipulate the tech spirits


All the colors are compatible with each other, even Black wind seems to work with the other colors as opposed to usually not being compatible)

See Also




(any questions/comments about this magic should be directed to MysticForms from the EGS boards)

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