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The Feral state of were is not to be confused with the feral state of kin. For thougn kin find there version of feral a blessing, the weres is muach stornger, and therefore effectively a curse

Revision as of 07:29, 4 August 2006

Weres are creatures who have the abilty to change shape.


General Description

Weres can change shape and despite legends, normally they are no more nor any less vunerable than any other creatures to any normal method of dealing injurys The difference comes in when they go feral. At the full moon weres are actually at their weakest, and become trapped in a single form. What happened is that those who were not cautious enough went into a feral state, in order to defend themselves. And this is how the legends were born.

Types of weres

There are four main types of weres in existence. Though each can have a certain amount of subdivison.

Were forms

Weres in theory can have up to five forms- human, minor breed, half-, -kin, animal But in reality can only have at maximum four which is a rarity in itself. All weres have a human form. (That's why they're weres....)


Certain weres need to be triggered before the switch. There are the two obvious methods out of legend, moon and infliction.There are to less legendary but now better known methods. Any forced TF will trigger a were.


The Feral state of were is not to be confused with the feral state of kin. For thougn kin find there version of feral a blessing, the weres is muach stornger, and therefore effectively a curse

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