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Kit was born in Chilargentina. His mother a [[Vulpkin]], and his father a [[Urockin|Graykin]]. Neither of them held any special status or anything. He lived like a normal Foxkin cub would until about the age of 6 or 7 where, to the surprise of both parents, and many friends, that he was able to see the winds of Katabaticy. Upon questioning from his parents, they found that he could always see them, and it wasn't until now that he felt comfortable enough to reveal it. His parents being overjoyed at this didn't mind at all. After much deliberation, they decided to look into the [[Academy of Katabaticy]] where they trained Katabatists. They decided in the end to send him there, even though he was easily younger than pretty much everyone there. However, as they say, big things come in small packages as he demostrated an understanding and control over the winds unmatched by most of the students there. Quickly moving though the grades.
Kit was born in Chilargentina. His mother a [[Vulpkin]], and his father a [[Urockin|Graykin]]. Neither of them held any special status and were just ordinary citizens. He lived like a normal Foxkin kit would until about the age of 6 or 7 where, to the surprise of both parents and many friends, he discovered he was able to see the winds of Katabaticy. When questioned by his parents, they found that he could always see them, and it wasn't until now that he felt comfortable with it enough to reveal this ability. His parents were overjoyed at this, and didn't mind at all. After much deliberation, his parents decided to look into the [[Academy of Katabaticy]] where they trained Katabatists. In the end, they decided to send him there, even though he was easily younger than most everyone there. However, as they say, big things come in small packages as he demostrated an understanding and control over the winds that was unmatched by most of the students there, and he quickly moved through the grades.
Altough he showed a remarkable talent, many resented him for it. Others looked at him like a prodigy. It was decided that for his sake, that he'd be homeschooled from then on. About the age of 9 when this happened, he couldn't be happier as they had him living on the academy grounds. His family came to visit occasionally, and he missed them. His family being overjoyed at this, throwing a small welcome home party where he was able to show off some of the magic he had learned. Throughout the following few years he was home taught and schooled in the ways of Katabaticy. He showed remarkable talent with using Void wind. But some of the others, Green especially he showed little interest in. He was also taught in the ways of Katbatsu. Finally mastering it at the Age of 13. Incidentally, another war, which is quite frequent in that region had developed, and he felt like he should help. He signed himself into the army. His family not liking it, but understanding his feelings towards it. His peers at the academy not understanding why such a talented pupil would ever want to do such a thing. He joined the [[Mixed forces]], training for about a ear before he was deemed ready to join in battle. Once actually on the front lines, he continued to prove his worth over and over again. Frequently showing his ability to command and hold. Quickly rising to the rank of sergent where he continued to show exelence. Holding lines that would be deemed lost to commanders, and proving against the odds time and time again.  
Altough he showed remarkable talent, many kin resented him for it, while others looked at him like a prodigy. It was decided that for his sake, he'd be homeschooled from then on. About the age of 9 when this happened, he couldn't be happier at this because he had been living on the academy grounds for the few years that he was there. His family had come to visit occasionally, but he still missed them alot. Once his family heard about this, they were overjoyed, and threw a small welcome home party where he was able to show off some of the magic he had learned. Throughout the years following this, he was homeschooled in the ways of Katabaticy. He showed remarkable talent with using Void wind. But with some of the others, Green especially, he showed little interest in. He was also schooled in the ways of Katbatsu for many years, until by the age of 13, he had mastered the techniques taught to him. While this was happening another war, which were quite frequent the region, had developed. Feeling like he should help in some way, he signed himself into the army. His family were not quite pleased with it, but understood his feelings towards it. Whereas his peers at the academy, did not understand why such a talented pupil like him would want to do a thing such as this. He joined with the [[Mixed forces]] section of the army, and trained for about a year before they deemed him ready to join in the war. Once he was actually on the front lines, he began to prove his worth over and over again by showing his ability to command. Quickly rising to the rank of sergeant, where he continued to show excellence. Holding lines that would be deemed lost by commanders, and he proved himself again and again against the odds.  
Something his peers at the Academy didn't like was how he was learning things they didn't wish him to learn. For while on the front lines, he learned how to use Katabaticy to harm people and others. His peers knowing that he could quite easily get lost in it, always tried to get him to retire and come back, but he always refused. Beleiving that he was better use in the army. After about 3-4 years of the same excelent service, he was quickly becoming a well known person. It wasn't until after a major event took place did he become truly well-known.
One thing that his peers at the Academy didn't like, was that he was learning things they didn't want him to learn. For while he was on the front lines, he was learning how to use Katabaticy to harm people. His peers knew that he could, quite easily, lose himself in it; And they always tried to get him to retire, however he always refused. He believed that he was of better use in the army. After about 3-4 years of the same excellent service, he quickly became a well known person. It wasn't until after the Battle of Machu Picchu that he became a truly well-known figure.
A warring faction with Chilargentina had suddenly called for peace talks. Kit himself had voiced against listening. Having fought them personally he found their feirce fighting habits, then sudden call for peace a bit strange. However his objections went unheard as a peace committee was sent to a neutral location to negotiate a peace treaty. Soon after, they recevied word from the faction that they had hostages and threatened to kill them if they did not pull back. Chilargentina, not wanting to risk lives, complied with these demands, however in secret they formed a team of specialists. Kit was chosen for his skill and proficancy in Katabaticy and Katbatsu. They were each told that if they failed in their mission, then all existance of them would be deneid and that this was an extremly dangerous mission. Kit being the first and foremost to agree. Beleiving that it was his duty to undertake this mission. The team assembled, they were told their mission. They were to infiltrate and extract the Peace council that was sent, getting each member out safely and intact. They first checked the site where the council was sent, and much to their not-so-surprise, signs of a minor battle were evident, along with the bodies of the few gaurds sent along. They followed the tracks of the capturerers for many days before coming to a large, heavily fortified complex. The original plan was to set a bomb on another side of the complex, using that as a distraction to sneak in. They sneaked in well enough, but the bomb was too good. Soldiers running every which way, it wasn't long until they were discovered and fighting ensued. Fighting their way to where the council member were being held, they managed to extract them all safely from the complex. However the casulties were heavy. more than 2/3s of the force sent out to retreive the council. They had to rely on stealth, sneaking away quickly, and once they were a day or two away from the complex, they sent word back to the front line that the council was safe. The commanders quickly enacting the second part of the plan. A full scale assault against the faction to cover their retreat. After traveling for many days they managed to get back to Chilargentina lines safetly. The councel intact. The military and government holding the final remaining survivors of the team as heros and the ones who died as martyrs for a greater cause. ( To be continued as things develop -Mystic)
The Batle of Machu Picchu started when a faction at war with Chilargentina had suddenly called for peace talks. Kit himself had voiced his opinions against listening to those requests, having fought them personally. He thought that, with their feirce fighting habits and then sudden call for peace, was a bit strange. However, his objections went unheard as a peace committee was sent to a neutral location to negotiate with them. Soon afterwards, Chilargentia had recevied word from the faction that they had hostages, and threatened to kill them if they did not pull their forces back. Chilargentina, not wanting to risk lives, complied with these demands, however in secret they formed a team of specialists. Kit was chosen for his skill and proficiency in Katabaticy and Katbatsu. Each member of the team was told that if they failed in their mission, then all existance of them would be denied and that this was a high risk mission, offering each member a chance to refuse to it. Kit was one of the first and foremost to agree. He beleived that it was his duty to undertake this mission. With the team assembled, they were each told their mission. The team was to infiltrate and extract the Peace council that was being kept hostage, alive and intact. They had no leads of where the council was being held. First, they checked the site of the location where the council was sent. Much to their not-so-surprise, there were signs of a minor battle all around it, along with the bodies of the few gaurds sent to escort. After invesitgating the surrounding area, they found tracks of several heavily armed people, with several foxkin tracks mixed with them. They followed these tracks for many days before coming to the large, heavily fortified temple of Machu Picchu. The original plan was to set a bomb on one side of the temple, using that as a distraction to sneak in the opposite side. The distraction worked well enough for them to sneak in, but they had underestimated the amount of soldiers stationed there. With all the soldiers running every which way, it wasn't long until they were discovered and were forced to fight their way to the council members. They managed to extract them all safely from the temple, however the casulties were heavy. More than 2/3's of the force sent out to retreive the council were dead. Relying on stealth, they snuck away quickly, and once they were a day or two away from the temple, they sent word back to the front line that the council was safe. The commanders quickly enacted the second part of the plan. A full scale assault against the faction to cover the retreat of the remainder of the team and the council. After traveling for many days, they managed to get back to Chilargentina lines safetly with little incident and the councel intact. The military and the government both, held the final remaining survivors of the team as heros to the populace and the members who had died as martyrs for a greater cause. ( To be continued as things develop -Mystic)

Revision as of 09:43, 6 September 2006

Kit is a Foxkin from the nation of Chilargentina.


Height: 5'9

Weight: 150

Fur color: Whitesh Gray, black tufts from his ears

Tail length: From the base of his spine to close to the ground, about 2.5-3'

Eye color: Striking Emerald Green

Hair Color: Whitesh Gray as well. Extends to about his shoulders

Appearence: Usually wears a simple brown habit like clothing. Think Jedi and you pretty much have what he wears. No he doesn't have a lightsaber or anything. His hair has a braid or two that falls over the front. Doesn't wear any armor or weapons either


Kit is a Katabatist. A user of the Katabaticy magic the Foxkin employ. And a very talented one at that. Surprising his peers again and again with insight on how to use the winds to acheive different effects.It is beleived by many that he will rise to be a great Katabatist one day.

He is also a master of Katbatsu, a form of martial arts developed to help Katabatists learn control so they can have control over spells they cast. It is also taught to them so that they have a form of self defense should they need it.


Kit was born in Chilargentina. His mother a Vulpkin, and his father a Graykin. Neither of them held any special status and were just ordinary citizens. He lived like a normal Foxkin kit would until about the age of 6 or 7 where, to the surprise of both parents and many friends, he discovered he was able to see the winds of Katabaticy. When questioned by his parents, they found that he could always see them, and it wasn't until now that he felt comfortable with it enough to reveal this ability. His parents were overjoyed at this, and didn't mind at all. After much deliberation, his parents decided to look into the Academy of Katabaticy where they trained Katabatists. In the end, they decided to send him there, even though he was easily younger than most everyone there. However, as they say, big things come in small packages as he demostrated an understanding and control over the winds that was unmatched by most of the students there, and he quickly moved through the grades.

Altough he showed remarkable talent, many kin resented him for it, while others looked at him like a prodigy. It was decided that for his sake, he'd be homeschooled from then on. About the age of 9 when this happened, he couldn't be happier at this because he had been living on the academy grounds for the few years that he was there. His family had come to visit occasionally, but he still missed them alot. Once his family heard about this, they were overjoyed, and threw a small welcome home party where he was able to show off some of the magic he had learned. Throughout the years following this, he was homeschooled in the ways of Katabaticy. He showed remarkable talent with using Void wind. But with some of the others, Green especially, he showed little interest in. He was also schooled in the ways of Katbatsu for many years, until by the age of 13, he had mastered the techniques taught to him. While this was happening another war, which were quite frequent the region, had developed. Feeling like he should help in some way, he signed himself into the army. His family were not quite pleased with it, but understood his feelings towards it. Whereas his peers at the academy, did not understand why such a talented pupil like him would want to do a thing such as this. He joined with the Mixed forces section of the army, and trained for about a year before they deemed him ready to join in the war. Once he was actually on the front lines, he began to prove his worth over and over again by showing his ability to command. Quickly rising to the rank of sergeant, where he continued to show excellence. Holding lines that would be deemed lost by commanders, and he proved himself again and again against the odds.

One thing that his peers at the Academy didn't like, was that he was learning things they didn't want him to learn. For while he was on the front lines, he was learning how to use Katabaticy to harm people. His peers knew that he could, quite easily, lose himself in it; And they always tried to get him to retire, however he always refused. He believed that he was of better use in the army. After about 3-4 years of the same excellent service, he quickly became a well known person. It wasn't until after the Battle of Machu Picchu that he became a truly well-known figure.

The Batle of Machu Picchu started when a faction at war with Chilargentina had suddenly called for peace talks. Kit himself had voiced his opinions against listening to those requests, having fought them personally. He thought that, with their feirce fighting habits and then sudden call for peace, was a bit strange. However, his objections went unheard as a peace committee was sent to a neutral location to negotiate with them. Soon afterwards, Chilargentia had recevied word from the faction that they had hostages, and threatened to kill them if they did not pull their forces back. Chilargentina, not wanting to risk lives, complied with these demands, however in secret they formed a team of specialists. Kit was chosen for his skill and proficiency in Katabaticy and Katbatsu. Each member of the team was told that if they failed in their mission, then all existance of them would be denied and that this was a high risk mission, offering each member a chance to refuse to it. Kit was one of the first and foremost to agree. He beleived that it was his duty to undertake this mission. With the team assembled, they were each told their mission. The team was to infiltrate and extract the Peace council that was being kept hostage, alive and intact. They had no leads of where the council was being held. First, they checked the site of the location where the council was sent. Much to their not-so-surprise, there were signs of a minor battle all around it, along with the bodies of the few gaurds sent to escort. After invesitgating the surrounding area, they found tracks of several heavily armed people, with several foxkin tracks mixed with them. They followed these tracks for many days before coming to the large, heavily fortified temple of Machu Picchu. The original plan was to set a bomb on one side of the temple, using that as a distraction to sneak in the opposite side. The distraction worked well enough for them to sneak in, but they had underestimated the amount of soldiers stationed there. With all the soldiers running every which way, it wasn't long until they were discovered and were forced to fight their way to the council members. They managed to extract them all safely from the temple, however the casulties were heavy. More than 2/3's of the force sent out to retreive the council were dead. Relying on stealth, they snuck away quickly, and once they were a day or two away from the temple, they sent word back to the front line that the council was safe. The commanders quickly enacted the second part of the plan. A full scale assault against the faction to cover the retreat of the remainder of the team and the council. After traveling for many days, they managed to get back to Chilargentina lines safetly with little incident and the councel intact. The military and the government both, held the final remaining survivors of the team as heros to the populace and the members who had died as martyrs for a greater cause. ( To be continued as things develop -Mystic)

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