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From Voodoo Shoppe
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Band News
3/30/07 -- Vance is officially part of the team! Mary LaSang will fill in for Sonia until April 11.
2/2/07 -- Offbeat awards Cowboy Mouth Best Rock Album of 2006. Some close friends of Cowboy Mouth, John Boutte, George Porter, and Better Than Ezra won awards, as well.
11/18/06 -- Paul Sanchez leaves the band to begin his solo career. Check out his website for more details. Vance DeGeneres filled in for Paul on the Mardi Gras tour. Jonathan Pretus of The Garden District will fill in for Vance while he helps his sister write material for the Oscars.
5/7/2007 -- Bassist Sonia Tetlow announces on her web page ( or that she will be leaving the band to spend more time pursuing her own music. No replacement was immediately announced.