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Author Notes - Table of Contents / List of Chapters - Appendix |
=Character info:
- Name: Ikari
- Age: Physically mid 30's but he was born around the same time as Maechen a 1000 years ago but he has been on the farplane for most of it.
- Gender: male
Additional Details
- Home: 1,000 years ago Ikari lived in the magnificent city of Zanarkand, in a small apartment overseeing the sea.
When the war with Bevelle started he began traveling the front lines fixing Machina. After the war he returned to Zanarkand only to find his home, his city in ruins and all his friends and relatives encased in a fayth stone. That deeply traumatized him so now he travels seeking a home and friends to replace that which was lost. (When he comes back as a regular unsent he doesn't remember anything about the war but the feeling of loss and despair still lingers in his heart)
- Occupation: Ikari is a Mechanic if it's machina he can fix it! He modifies machina and can even build things the Al Bhed can only dream of. His skills include being a good pilot and an efficient thief.
- Description: Not a tall man Ikari stands about 5' 8" and is slender in build, Blonde hair, almost white, green eyes with spiral pupil, betraying his parents origins: Al Bhed and Zanarkand. He wears a loose khaki shirt and some loose olive pants, with a Jedi style brown cape and hood that hides all his mechanic parts. His Al Bhed goggles conceal one green Al Bhed pupil eye and one piece on machina with a small lens. His face is badly scared by flame and while his right arm is uncovered his left (a machina replacement) is wrapped in gray leather at all times to hide its true nature. He wears basic olive loose fit trousers and soldier's steel toed leather boots. Under his pants he wears a leg brace that tries but don't quite correct a limp in his left leg. He is never without his duffel bag, either over one shoulder or across his chocobo's back.
- Personality: Mostly silent Ikari takes a while to warm up to people he fears making friends only to lose them. This is not to say he is rude or unapproachable, he is just reserved. The only people he holds enmity towards are the Yevonites of Bevelle, hold over from the war that he does not remember but has left profound marks on him.
He finds the company of the Al Bhed most comfortable, though anyone who loves Blitzball is appreciated by him and players are just that much more so. Blitzball and tinkering with Machina are his favorite things. He also hates Sin and evil with a passion although he is not entirely sure why.
A hardened veteran of war and having died once he tends to be calm and resolute in battle. When he finally realizes he has been dead for 1,000 years he will treasure every moment as a gift to be spent in search of why was he pulled from the Farplane back to life.
- Weapons: Most often in battle Ikari will use his fists and feet using his Machina arm and leg brace to best advantage, however he does carry a small supply of grenades and often works on making additions to his arm such as a retractable sword , concealed gun and "Hammer Fist" a special move he has that pulls out a giant hammer to attack his enemies with a gravity enhanced blow.
- Alliance: As of now Ikari has no real allegiance save that he holds the New Yevonite in contempt. Ikari will fight Sinners where he finds them and would be considered by most as a independent Sphere-Hunter, his loyalty is to whatever friends he may find and make.
- Personal possessions: While not weapons his tools are rarely out of reach and his collection of spheres (particularly of Blitzball games) while small is growing. His closest and at this point only friend is Mist an albino Chocobo whom he rides and fights beside, not from, beside. He never mounts Mist for long as his body is too heavy and would tire his friend quickly.
- Strengths: Although he has no memory of it, his history of having lost everything, even his life gives him an iron determination. He never gives up. While not as powerful spell caster his mother taught him a few small spells (Cure, Esuna). He can also use his mechanical arm as a gun, a sword or as a huge hammer.
From a mechanical point of view his knowledge of Machina is possible the greatest in Spira he knows secrets lost for a thousand years allowing him to use most anything he comes across, the one piece of knowledge he lacks is the knowledge that bonded his arm and eye to him, he has never met another like him and doesn’t remember how he got them or who gave them to him. Since returning to the land of the living he has been forced to scrounge and steal what he needs to survive. His Machina parts are very durable and resistant to damage so he will freely block claws and fangs with his arm; his eye allows him to Scan his opponents. Of course as Sir Auron once said being dead has its advantages.
- Weaknesses: Emotionally he is very tender and confused. Something, a huge loss, gnaws at his insides but he can't remember it. He is weary of others and any bonds he makes will mean more than most would realize. Physically his limp slows him down on foot making it easy to run him down and all his metal parts and braces make him very susceptible to electrical attacks. He can not swim.
- History: Ikari was born over a thousand years a go in the city of Zanarkand to loving parents an AL Bhed engineer father and a Summoner apprentice mother growing up his parents encouraged him to go after whatever goals he set him self. As a young boy he developed a marked talent for engineering and a minor talent for Blitzball. By the age of fifteen he was working for his father designing new or improved Machina and playing semi-pro Blitzball. At nineteen his mother left on a journey to study under Yu Yevon and both father and son traveled with her during this time he studied minor magic and combat with his parents.
When the war with Bevelle began Ikari went to the front to support the summoners and help disarm Bevelle's machina. His will and moral soon eroded as he saw friends die and land rent asunder. In one lost battle Ikari destroyed a machina fire thrower only to have it self destruct in his face. In cold mud a light rain falling Ikari awoke alone but for the dead, his leg in a brace his left arm replaced by a machina and one eye now machina and capable of telling him how powerful those around him were. Returning to Zanarkand he discovered to his dismay that his new limbs slowed him in the sphere pool as well as on land destroying his blitz career, placed on the disabled list for the war and for blitz.
He turned to study to keep from sliding further into the depression that had gripped him. Eventually allowed back to battle he served for a time as guardian to a summoner. Ikari died defending his summoner from a surprise attack by forces from Bevelle he died within sight of home. Ikari died just as Sin destroyed Zanarkand. The summoner survived and sent as many to the Farplane as he could including Ikari.
A thousand years later when Amon was pulled from the recesses of the Farplane Ikari was pulled out in his wake and awoke in a world very different from the one he knew. Finding himself on Mount Gagazet and unaware that so much time had passed he hurried to the summit when he saw Zanarkand but something inside him prevented him from going to the city. Confused but quite sure there was something terrible awaiting for him he turned, began to walk away... and never looked back. He still doesn't know what kept him from Zanarkand but he does not dwell on it.
Upon reaching the Calm Lands (having worked hard to avoid the Ronso) his first encounter was a battle between a white chocobo an a fiend. Rushing to the chocobos aid they slew the fiend and when Ikari used his spells to heal the injured bird he made his first friend in this new world.
Hiding from all, but mostly from himself, Ikari has been around Spira for the past year but he knows very little About what is going on. Learning about things without raising too many questions was hard, but time is with the dead and a wanderer may ask many questions without raising suspicion so eventually he will learn the truth. For now he travels fixing machina for Gil and info, a wandering machina tinker on a big white bird.
- Special Requests: I'm adopting the character because I loved the way the author described him an I think it is a pity to let Ikari lie in a thread collecting dust. I will "return" Ikari to the author if he comes back.
- Sample post: Entering the trading post Ikari sets down his bag and scans the room, noting every one there, ’Hmm not very busy well that just mean a better chance at a room, and a bed, when was the last time I slept in a bed?’ he thinks to himself. Shaking his head he picks up his bag and walks to the counter “[b]Aqlica sa pid syo E ryja y nuus[/b]” (Excuse me but may I have a room) “[b]oh sorry may I have a room and my chocobo is tied up out side I don’t know if you have stables for them or not but if you do I would appreciate room for her too” scratches his head and smiles “I haven’t much money but if you have anything around here that needs fixing I’m sure I can help[/b]” looks sheepish about lack of funds.
- [b]Hmpf! I can get you room and a meal for 20 gil if you can fix my big Sphere Screen. It's tearing up all the movie spheres we put in it.[/b]" said the innkeeper with a scowl.
- "[b]Ten gil and I will make sure it's picture shines too[/b]" said Ikari looking at his good hand feigning lack of interest
- [b]Fifteen[/b] answered the innkeeper.
- [b]Fine, fifteen. But my Chocobo sleeps on your stable and gets some greens.[/b]
- [b]Meal is at 8 pm sharp. Here's the key, bedroom 4 upstairs. When you are ready the Sphere Screen is in the back at that door[/b] said the innkeeper pointing at a small door in the back of the room.
Walking up to his room Ikari chuckled to himself. He would have fixed the man's big screen for free, just to be able to watch the latest blitz game. The pre-season had the Besaid Aurochs now, rumor said, without it's star player Wakka against the Kilika beasts which was suffering from internal strife. Both teams had to prove they could pull a good game under the circumstances so it was bound to be a good show...
Ikari wondered if he would get to see the Aurochs famous "player from Zanarkand" that the patrons in inns and taverns all over Spira talked about. Apparently the lad was more amazing than the legendary Evadne from Corran, and that was saying something. Ikari remembered watching a sphere with his father, where the Corran team and it's famous captain had made mincemeat of the other team, the Guado Glories. He wished he had that sphere now, it would shut up all those idiots that said that the Goers or the Aurochs were the best team in history!
As if they knew any history! The ignorant fools in this strange Spira he found himself into did not know anything about Corran, Ordalia and many other cities. Apparently it was all destroyed, by what he did not know, nor cared to find out.
Ikari's thoughts started threading in the path he hated. What was this place after all ? Where were his parents and his mother's master ? All he could remember was making camp in Mt. Gagazet with both his parents. It had been at the start of a pilgrimage trip that his mother had to take as candidate for the Summoner's council. Her mentor, the famous High Summoner Yu Yevon the best of all the Summoners in Zanarkand was to meet them at the summit the next day, to take her and her two "guardians", him and his dad, around Spira to face many challenges.
Then he woke up at the Summit, without his parents, in this brand new place. He wondered if this was part of the challenges his mother had warned him about...
(OOC hearing incomplete stuff and changing topics every time he hears about Zanarkand Ikari has heard of Tidus but doesn't know Tidus "died" when Yuna defeated Sin)
(OOC if allowed I would like to use some of the looks from .[]Scar from Full Metal Alchemist[/link]. He has lost an arm and has a large scar on his face, just like Ikari, but he looks good. Not sure if the author was going for good looking but I would like to! )